It's tell me about it Tuesday!
So let me tell you about how I am working to change my life.
First up, running.
I have been running off and on for awhile now, but I'm finally motivated to be a runner. Better yet, a jogger. Yet, I'd say that's more accurate.
You see, I start off running like a fat girl headed towards a twinkie stand. But then after about 2.5 minutes of that, I run so slow that I feel like I am running in place. Going nowhere real fast and getting out of breath. It's okay though, jogging gets you to the finish line too.
I'm on week 5 of my couch to 10K program. Once I finish this, I am going to start my half marathon training......and that's just plain scary.
I'm not sure why, but yesterday I looked ahead to see what I was in for. Well, let me just tell you, it's not pretty. By week 14 (the last week), the plan says warm up 5 minutes then run for 60 minutes. Wowzer. That seems difficult, but not impossible.
I've read too many blogs where the girl said that she could barely run for 2 minutes when she first started and now she is running a half marathon. I want to be that girl. And I want that dang 13.1 sticker for my car. So it's time to stop talking about it and start doing it.
Who's with me?!
Next up, 30 Day Shred with Jillian Michaels.
Now, I'm not gonna lie to you, I've attempted this 30 day thing at least two, maybe three times. I can't seem to finish it. I get bored with doing the same thing and I get sick of seeing Jillian's face every day. But, once again, I have read too many blogs where people have had GREAT results with this video. It works if you stick to it. I'm not saying I'm going to do it every day, but I am saying that at least 5 days a week I am going to do some type of workout video or bootcamp style workout. I own all the Insanity workout videos too. It's funny though, I sweat like a garden tool in church when I do Insanity, but I'm never as sore as I am after I do the 30 Day Shred. And the Shred is much shorter so I will probably stick with it. I have also realized that the only way that I can fit this into my day during the week is to wake up super early. We are talking 4 to the AM. Or more like 4:15. I'm gonna feel it out to see what works best for me. This morning I did 4:15 and I had plenty of extra time...which is why dinner is in the crockpot, everyone's clothes were ironed, and my kids were blessed with a sweet mom to wake them up instead of a "I'm leaving in 5 minutes whether you are awake or not" type mom that I normally have to be. I know not everyone is a morning person...I learned this on instagram yesterday (follow me there @mrsloyoung). I'm a morning person. Or I have been before. It takes several mornings to get in the groove, but once you get in the groove, it feels amazing to wake up and not be running around like a chicken with it's head cut off. Not to mention, the house is soooo quiet in the morning and I hate getting off work only to think about how I must visit Jillian before bedtime. So, this is the plan...hopefully it will last.
Next up, walking at work. I have been doing this since last year. At work we have a track inside our building and everyone walks. I get two breaks a day, I walk one mile each break. So, this is nothing new, but something I am going to stick with. I have a walking partner (Hi Amy!) and I really enjoy doing this as a break from work each day. It doesn't feel like exercise because I don't break a sweat, but I know those miles add up. Not to mention, it's always fun to slap on tennis shoes with your dressy work clothes
except I only dress up like once a month.
Now, diet. Ehhhh. We all know this is the hardest. Not to mention I have a husband who is trying to bulk up this winter. Meaning he eats everything in site. And he always buys me surprises in the form of candy or treats.
Who needs flowers?! I have a major sweet tooth. And lately my body is programmed into thinking that it needs something sweet every single time it finishes a meal. I know it will take work to get my body to lose this mentality, but let's just say it is a neverending work in progress. I also am a VERY picky eater. So it's really hard for me to find healthy foods that I like. I have noticed lately that my kids are picking up my bad eating habits though so I have to make some changes for them. I need to be a good example for my kids.....and if I can't manage to eat a nasty piece of spinach then dangit, I can just put it in the blender and drink it. I have learned that you can put pretty much anything in the blender and call it a smoothie. I even bought a spaghetti squash yesterday...has anyone ever cooked one of these? If so, please help a sister out! I have no clue what I am doing, but FH and the girls think I'm crazy so I need it to taste like the
Finally, water. It's funny. I could see an infomercial about some liquid stuff you could drink and it is guaranteed to make you lose weight and I would spend an outrageous amount of money on it because so-and-so lost weight drinking it and if it can work for her, then I can do it too.......but I don't drink water. It's free and it's guaranteed to make you lose weight if you just guzzle it all day long. So, cheers to water. Let's drink to that.
Oh and back to running.
Just because this picture is true, doesn't mean I should not run.
source )
That is just SOOO accurate.
Also, so I have this neighbor. One day
at band camp, I ran by his house at night. It was dark. He was outside sitting on a bench. He scared the mess out of me when he stood up and starting walking towards me. Apparently he was waiting on me. That conversation went a little like this:
Him: Hi. I wanted to talk to you. I see you out here walking all the time. I walk too and I can't get my wife to walk with me. If you ever want to walk together, I can get that weight off you.
Me: You stupid #$*^&$% $*%&@#!
Ok, well I didn't exactly say that...but I mean really?! You can get this weight off me? Now everytime I go by his house I run faster
and flip him off.
My husband seems to think he was hitting on me. Suuuuuure you want to "run together". lol I think he was just a middle age man with a bad choice of words who was looking for a walking partner.
What do you think?
Either way, he did not find himself a new walking partner.
Now, let's get my new life going here. I feel like by
putting pen to paper typing it out and telling all you people, I have to actually stick to it. If you see me slacking, feel free to bust me out in front of everybody. If you want to join me, holla! I can use the extra motivation. And when I lose weight and start taking 50 million selfies and putting them all over the interweb, don't hate.
After all, I didn't buy fat girl jeans so I could grow out of them. I would much rather have them sitting up in the attic gathering dust than my cute
not even in style anymore skinny clothes.
Here goes nothing......
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