Aug 29, 2012

So What Wednesday

So what if I could barely move this morning. I still got out of bed and did the 30 Day Shred with Jillian.
So what if she drives me batty. Her workout video still really really works.

So what if I needed to run yesterday afternoon, but I cut the grass instead. I still got exercise. And since it will be raining this weekend, I won't have to stress about it.

So what if my kids had dinner before going to softball practice last night but were still hungry when they got home. That's what Ramen noodles are for.
So what if I fed my kids Ramen noodles. They need to learn to appreciate the finer things in life. I'm only trying to prepare them for their college years. Plus I fed them their 2nd dinner for only $0.33.
So what if instead of getting onto K for eating her noodles with her hands, I took a picture instead. It's not like anyone was there to witness her lack of table manners. We weren't even at the table.

So what if it's only Wednesday. This weekend is a holiday weekend and I'm off work on Monday. Woohoo!!

So what if I'm frustrated with my diet. I'm not giving up. I'm just going to work harder.

Happy Hump Day homies! :)

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  1. Happy Hump Day to you! Absolutely cutting the grass counts as exercise! I have that work out DVD you're talking about but honestly tried it once! She gets on my nerves too, but i just might get it back out now that you mention it! Yum! Ramon noodles! HAHA I ate those all the time in college not because I had to but because I wanted to! I used to love those things, but now I know how bad they are for me!! Love reading your posts, they always make me laugh. Have a great day!

  2. just wanted to stop by & say hello! i saw your logo on Because Shanna Said So & it was SO funny & silly I had to come and sign up! haha! stop by sometime & say hello!
