Aug 3, 2012

All Aboard the Mommy Train

Guess who got a new car?? That's not a Lamborghini or the color orange?? THIS GIRL! We drove around looking at cars for awhile Wednesday night. We saw lots that we liked, a few that we loved, but only one that we bought. It took forever....but we drove it home just in time for FH to turn right back around and head to work. #nightshiftproblems

{can we please stop and notice that this is two blog posts in one day?! my fans my husband is going to be so excited!}

ok back to the new car. It was love at first sight. I'm not sure if any of you have ever experienced this, but it does exist. With cars, at least.

So, we took it for a test drive. The owner just gave us the keys and sent us on our way. He didn't ride with us or anything. Which was pretty trusting. He didn't even know our name. FH said that we left our car there so he obviously knew that we weren't going to take off......pshhhhhtttt! that's the car that has NO AIR CONDITIONING. Yep, you read that right. The day we went to look at new cars, the air went out. In memphis. Did I mention that it was at least 982 degrees outside? No biggs. So yeah, that man should have known that if it weren't for my guilty conscience that we could have easily high tailed it out of there. But my momma taught me better unfortunately. Since it was only the 4 of us in the car, we didn't have to watch what we said. I immediatly said "this is my car!" and the girls started talking about how much they loved it. We told them not to mention that when we got back. Don't let him know how much we love it because we want a good deal. "ok, ok Mom, WE KNOW!" {insert whiny I-know-everything-and-you-know-nothing 9 year old voices here} we get out of the car and what happens?

Kate walks right up to the man and goes: "We don't like it, WE LOVE IT!"

Good job Kate, thanks for using that poker face. Well done.

Meet Tori. The newest member of our family.

She's got everything you need. The look of a car and a SUV in one. The inside of a minivan. The room for a new baby {eventually}.

The girls love the inside since there is so much room.

Although they both have a really tough decision on every ride....deciding which seat to pick. It's a tough life being 9.

And the inside driver area is pretty nice too....

Please note FH's camo shorts. I'm trying to make him country.

So there you have it, the StYoungs are now riding in style! And there will be no fast food eating in this car, so don't even think about it mini-mes!
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