Aug 10, 2012

"A Dollar Make Me Holler"

Fact: I was reading this post this morning and I realized that I'm not the only adult who watches Honey Boo Boo. What a relief!!!
Fiction: I was gonna stop watching it if no one else was watching.

Fact: I also found out that I'm not the only adult who watches Teen Mom.
Fiction: My husband won't look at me funny from now on when I tell him I am staying up late to watch it.

Fact: I am beyond excited that today is Friday!!
Fiction: I hate when my kids stay the weekend at their Dad's house. #sorryI'mnotsorry
Momma needs a break sometimes and newlyweds need alone time. #truth

Fact: I love that my kids LOVE sports as much as I do and I'm so grateful that they want to be involved in EVERYTHING.
Fiction: I love paying so much $ to register them for all of their activities. {Hello volleyball, fall softball, and basketball registration for two. It's so (not) nice to see you.}

Fact: I NEVER want to work on Fridays. It's as if my internal alarm clock knows that I should be starting the weekend off early.
Fiction: I always want to work Monday thru Thursday.

Fact: This blog post is turning out a bit gayer than I thought it would.
Fiction: You are going to stop coming back to my blog because of this. #don'tmakemecutyou

Happy Friday Peeps.
(Fact, all Fridays are happy!)

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1 comment:

  1. Nope, not the only Adult who watches Honey Boo Boo and Teen Mom. I am glad my Mom and I aren't the only ones! :)
