Aug 1, 2012

Go Away August

How can today be August 1? Wasn't the last day of school yesterday? Where did the summer go? I hate August. I'm pretty sure it ranks at the top of my least favorite months list....along with, ummm, well I guess that's the only one. Why do I hate August? School starts back. Summer is over. We buy school supplies, get back into normal routines, realize we forgot all about summer reading, don't stay up late watching movies, can't do anything after work except for homework, dinner, baths, and then bedtime. I hate August. The world should revolve around June and July in my opinion. Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays in June and July, with a Christmas celebration thrown in every other week. Yep, that's what paradise is to me. The Mondays thru Thursdays should only show up on my paycheck.

Okay, enough of that. Hello August, let's make this a good month! You and me, we got this!

I started the month off right at 4:30 AM hitting snooze. Then at 5 AM I had a small argument with myself. It went something like this:

self: Get up you lazy goon!
me: No, I'm sooo sleepy and my legs hurt and I can work out this afternoon.
self: you ate pizza last night.
me: not that much, it hardly even counts since I worked out yesterday.
self: how has that philosophy been working out for you the last ten years?
me: I hate when you are right.
self: then get up.

So, I got up, strapped on my tennis shoes, and put in the Insanity video for the day.

Isn't it suppose to be getting easier?? It totally isn't. I mean, I'm on day three now. That's like a million years in 5 AM workout days. Right when I think I am DYING {yes, capital letters are necessary to prove my emphasis}, then we finish our warmup and start stretching. Stretching?! WHAT? I thought we were almost done and we are stretching? How did that happen? It's almost like a think you are stretching because you are almost finished but really you haven't even started yet! Then, it starts. And when the workout starts, you know there is no playing around. Each time I think we are going to get 2 minutes to breathe, he tells you to start over and go faster. Faster? There is no faster on my radar. I'm pretty sure FH thinks that I'm going to have a minor heartattack when he gets home from work each morning. I guess that's why they call it Insanity.....

Yesterday we went car shopping. We didn't have much time but once I get the urge to do something, it must be done. I found a jeep I like. No, not the "Clueless" jeep, but a jeep, nonetheless. I think I am going to "walk away from it" though. The gas mileage just isn't what I want. And I don't think that cars are like wedding dresses, I don't think I will go try out a million cars and come back to the first one that I test drove. But hey, it could happen. The funniest part of the entire shopping experiece we owe to my daughter Alex.

You see, K&A never actually stop talking. I'm pretty sure they talk in their sleep even. People that aren't around them often are in shock when they see how much they talk. Even during movies. I mean, every three seconds there's a "why is he doing that?" "what does this mean?" or "who is that girl, Mom?" thrown in. Right. During. Important. Parts. Oh I'm not really sure what we would do if there wasn't a pause button. So, back to the story. They also usually don't meet any strangers. They can be BFF with the checkout lady at the gas station, it doesn't matter who you are, if you give them the time of day, they will talk your ear off. So, as we were test driving the jeep, Alex made friends with the salesguy. This was great and all, but it became a problem when she started talking about my current car. You know, my current car that we want to get a good deal on trading in but it kinda makes a funny noise and could possibly fall apart at any given moment. Yeah, that car. She told him about how we were at the gas station and it was making a really loud noise (it's the fan belt, or so I'm told. All I know is it's really embarassing and I would rather go without air in my car in 100 degree Memphis weather than listen to that noise and die of embarassment) and everyone could hear it because it was SO LOUD. Did I mention that this is the current car that the salesguy had NOT YET given us a trade-in value for? Yep, now you see why it was so awkward. I tried to hush her but the damage was done. Well, actually the no damage was actually done since we got a great offer for our trade in! What a relief. Not to actually hurry up and get it traded in before it dies on the side of the road.....

Hopefully there will be more school supply and car shopping today. I'm still trying to decide if we will let K&A go along this time....I don't want to take any chances of those little mouths getting us in trouble. Pin It Now!

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