Aug 10, 2012

Friday Letters

WooHoo! It's Friday, y'all!

Dear Friday, I love you. Dear husband, no kids this weekend. Hope you have your party pants on. Dear work, see ya woudn't wanna be ya! Dear 10 blog followers, can I get a what, what? I'm so pumped I finally have you, now to find you more friends. :) Dear girl that I work with that put in her two week notice, thanks for doubling my workload. {Still excited for her, but great opportunities for some lead to busy busy busy for others.} Dear bloggers, thanks for entertaining me day in and day out. What the frak would I do without bloglovin?? Dear fellow Big Brother fans, please email me. I am obsessed and we can talk players. Dear new computer that I don't have yet, can you please just show up at my house {hint, hint husband}. Dear extra large pepperoni pizza, would you PLEASE get in my belly?! Dear readers, can you please follow me on instagram? @MrsLoYoung I LOVE having new bloggers to follow. Bloggers make the world go 'round, after all. Dear stomach, could you shrink please? Dear Shaun T, can you please just recognize my hard work next time I do your video? And could you also put a fat chick in the video? It just pisses me off to look at so many hard bodies while I'm working out, and it kinda makes me want to quit and order pizza.

Dear you, thanks for reading!

Check out more Friday Letters by following the link.

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  1. Great link up! I think I will participate next week!! Whoohoo!! 10 followers! Congrats! I know if feels so good :)
    I would love to have a large pizza right now! I could eat that everyday! I especially like it cold! Ok, enough about that lol. This is making me hungry! Have a good day :)

  2. I have to agree, Pizza sounds great! Thanks for making me hungry! I know im thankful for the handful of followers I have to make me feel like im not shouting into space, lol. Have a great kid-free weekend! Shawna @
