Feb 18, 2014

Our Little Angel

Let me forewarn you that this post will be sad. It will be full of emotions and probably all over the place. You may hate me for writing it, for sharing it with the world, but this is my outlet. This is how I cope. Please love me through it.

For those of you who don't know, our son went to be with Jesus just two nights ago.
It has been the most excruciating painful time that I have ever experienced and I don't wish this on anyone. We aren't the first to go through such a horrible event as losing a child, and unfortunately, we won't be the last.

We wake up in the morning, and we cry.
We go to sleep at night, and we cry.
We suddenly wake up at one of his normal feeding times, and we cry...because no one woke us up.
We swear we hear him crying in another room, and we cry.
We swear that we hear his music playing in his crib, and we cry.
I randomly stumble upon his high chair that is still sitting, unused in the box, and I lose it.
He will never use that high chair.
He will never poop in all the diapers I have stockpiled.
The breastmilk that I spent hours accumulating and freezing over the last 5 months, he will never drink.
So many outfits he won't wear.
There will be no more pictures of him, and I took tons every single day.

I think that God prepared me for this in a way.
I can honestly tell you that I never took a single second of Harper's life for granted.
Maybe it all felt too perfect, too surreal having him with us. It felt too good to be true.
You see, I prayed for months that I would get pregnant with him. And when I finally did, I knew to appreciate the miracle growing inside of me.
And then, when he was born way too early, I prayed for months that he would be okay.
That he would breathe better, eat better, get better so he could come home with us.
Once he came home, and didn't sleep much, I couldn't get mad at him. Even at 2 AM, wide awake, he was so precious to me. I was so glad to finally have him home and in my arms, all to myself in the middle of the night, that it didn't matter that my eyes were burning with lack of sleep.
So in a way, God prepared me.
Had this been a normal pregnancy, I wouldn't have been able to handle this.

I know a lot of you want to know what exactly happened.
Well, so do I!
Harper was wonderful up until about 10 o'clock that night.
We had gone on a walk that afternoon and I cherished the fact that I could take him in the stroller.
He had been spitting up a good bit that day, which we knew was more than normal.
We were watching him closely, and making sure he wasn't dehydrated. Doing everything that we had been taught. And we were going to call the doctor on Monday morning.
Of course, this is when we could say "what if"...what if we would have called the doctor right then?
What if we would have taken him to the emergency room right then?
But I have to be realistic....why would we take him to the emergency room just because he was spitting up? Babies spit up, it's normal.
Please don't judge me on this, or tell me what you would have done differently.
We aren't perfect, and obviously we probably would have benefitted from taking him to the hospital, but I think "what ifs" are absolutely horrible.
We can't go back and question everything done. We can't change anything. Nothing brings our baby back.
So right before it was time for his next bottle, Harper was sleeping in his daddy's arms.
I had just gotten back from the grocery store, and all 3 of us were in the kitchen together laughing, while putting away groceries. This may seem unimportant but it will forever be my last good memory.
We laughed because Harper would hear my voice and start looking for me. He knew my voice.
And that warmed my heart every single time. He was a Momma's boy through and through.
So FH held Harper so that he could watch me while I put up groceries. It was almost like he was memorizing my face, so he could have it with him in heaven.

While Harper was sleeping, he started spitting up. When I tell you that Michael did amazing, I mean absolutely amazing during all this, I mean it. I freaked out and was zero help at all.
It felt almost like he was dry-heaving. Like he needed to spit up more, but couldn't because there was nothing in his tummy. And that's when he started having trouble breathing.
Fh told me to call 911.
And honestly, I was slow moving. I guess I thought that if I waited just a bit, it would be a false alarm. That we would have it under control.
It was not a false alarm.
I called 911. You should know we live in a small town. Our ambulance is slow.
The cops and the firemen got here. And my friend Lindsey who is a NICU nurse got here.
I remember the cop saying he was breathing. Good, he was breathing.
Lindsey, God bless her, dropped everything and came to our house. Her little kids in tow.
If it weren't such a horrific moment, I would have laughed when she yelled at the cop and said "Someone go sit with my kids outside, I'm not getting arrested."

He was still breathing when the ambulance arrived.
The ambulance, it just wasn't equipped for how tiny he was.
I will forever wonder if his ride to the ambulance was the reason for his death.
If their lack of tiny equipment was the reason he didn't make it.
But again, speculating or placing blame helps nothing. Absolutely nothing.
I rode in the ambulance. And I was terrified.
Honestly I thought Harper was okay. He was breathing still when FH handed him over, surely we are better off now that professionals are in charge.
I even was mad at myself for not bringing any milk with us. I was thinking about how he was going to be hungry and that we were prob going to be back at the NICU for awhile.
I just focused on not throwing up while riding over 100 mph in that ambulance.
It should be noted that I was already feeling sick before any of this had started.

When we got to the hospital, the paramedic jumped out of the ambulance running with Harper in his arms. At the time, this told me nothing. Now I realize that he ran because he wasn't breathing.

When we arrived at the hospital, he wasn't breathing and his heart wasn't beating enough for him to live.

They were able to restart his heart about 3 or 4 times.
It was absolutely horrible to see him laying on that huge table, naked and helpless.
I just wanted to hold him. And make everything better.
They finally got him stable enough to get a head scan.
The doctor told us that she would read the scan immediately.

We knew immediately that something was wrong when she didn't come to tell us the results.

They worked on him for 2 hours. Poor sweet little baby just wanted to go home to Jesus, and they kept bringing him back. Of course I wanted him myself, but after 2 hours, it becomes evident.

He was not ours anymore.

The doctor finally came to us. She told us that he would never be "our Harper" again. His brain went without oxygen for too long. No matter how prepared you think you are for this, you aren't. You can't be. There's just one tiny shred of hope left in you. She told us that they don't like to call it on babies, because they all have babies at home and know how horrible this is. So what did we want to do.
There was no doubt in my mind at all. I would have laid down on that table myself to take the pain away from him, so I wanted to do anything I could to help him.
Being in God's arms was a much, much better place for him that being on that table, barely hanging on.

I wanted to hold him. I always wondered how moms do that...how do mothers with stillborn babies hold their babies? How do parents with dying children hold them? The answer is quite simple actually. "Because that's my baby." I needed to hug him and love on him.

They swaddled him and handed him to me. I rocked him in my arms. And FH and I sang "Jesus Loves Me" to him. Minutes could have gone by or hours, we looked up and we were all alone in that huge room, that was previously occupied by 20+ nurses and doctors.

I'm so glad that Harper went straight from my arms to Jesus' arms.
I know he is breathing so easily in heaven and I can't wait to see him again.

Thank you all so much for your prayers. Please say an extra prayer for my husband. We all know how a father loves a son, and their bond was extremely great as he stayed home with him while I was at work.

We have a long road ahead of us, filled with winding curves and hills and tons of potholes. But I know that since God brought us to it, He will bring us through it. I 100% believe that because of all your prayers, God has given me the strength to deal with this. His arms are wrapped around me and I feel them more than I ever have before.
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  1. Sending you all so much love, Lora... so.much.love. <3

  2. Lora, my heart truly breaks for you. I'm praying for you and your family

  3. My thoughts and prayers are with you constantly Lora. And for your family.

  4. Our hearts are completely broken for yours...We are praying for you both. <3

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Sending you all of my love and thinking and praying for you and your family.

  7. Lora, I have no words...my heart breaks for y'all. Just know y'all are SO loved, SO loved! Y'all are constant in my thoughts and prayers will be never-ending. God bless you and yours!

  8. My admiration goes out to you & Michael for making the decisions you did. Praying for you all constantly.

  9. Every step and move I have made in the last 24 hours leaves me in some way thinking of your family and that sweet baby. I have never been one good with words and I know even you have said you realize people just don't know what to say. We ache for you, literally in my soul I ache for you. Will be here if you need anything.

  10. I'm so sorry Lora. So very sorry. We'll be praying for your family every day. Sending you lots of love and big hugs

  11. I'm just a random reader that stumbled upon your blog about a year ago, I've been following your journey via blogger and instagram and beyond shocked to hear this news. Prayers for you and your family during this horrible time.

  12. My heart is absolutely breaking for you, FH, your sweet girls, and everybody else this has affected. The pain of losing a child is one that I never wish to bare and even though it doesn't help in saying it I truly am so so sorry!!!!

  13. My heart aches so much for you while reading this post. I know the pain you and your family are going through and I wouldn't wish it upon anyone. I to lost my sweet preemie son; our boys were fighters and they taught us the greatest lessons in life, to enjoy everyday to the fullest. You can send yourself into a tizzy with at the 'what ifs' there sometimes is no explanation except that Jesus was ready for him to come home. Harper is thriving and healthy in the most loving arms there are waiting to be reunited with you one day. Hold strong onto your memories and your family, they will be your rock and your shoulder when you need to cry. Know that you have thousands of people praying for you and loving you during this painful process.
    "For I know the plans I have for you said the Lord, plans for prosper and not for harm. Plans to give you a future with hope." Jeremiah 29:11

  14. Lora, my heart breaks for you. I have been thinking of your family and sweet Harper since your post. I am so very sorry. Sending lots of love and prayers your way.

  15. Praying for you and your family sweet friend!

  16. My heart breaks for you, FH and your beautiful girls. Please know that we are all praying for you. We are here if you need ANYTHING at all. Even though you haven't met many of us IRL, we love you and want to be there for you. Not a day will go by, that I don't say a special prayer for sweet baby Harper and his amazing family...

  17. I just lost it completely at work reading this, though I know my tears are nothing compared to yours. The line "It was almost like he was memorizing my face, so he could have it with him in heaven." is so profound. I feel certain that was exactly what he was doing.

    Your family is in my prayers, and my momma's heart is broken for yours.

  18. I said prayers for you and yours while reading this and will ccontinue to do so im so sorry!

  19. There are no words, Lora. I am so sorry for you and your families loss. Harper was a special boy. Ever since I heard the news yesterday, I have just felt horrible. Please know, that I will no longer take a minute with my kids for granted. And anything they do in their life will be for Harper!

  20. Hearing how much you are leaning on Jesus is so uplifting. Through your anguish, you have to know that you are helping others lean on God during their same difficult times and if that was Harper's purpose here on earth, then you are one lucky mama!

  21. I can't even begin to tell you how much my heart hurts for you. I don't have many words, but I just wanted to tell you I'm praying for y'all.

  22. You and your family are in my prayers. I am so sorry for you loss.

  23. I just don't now the words to say. I have cried everytime I think of you and your sweet boy. I am so sorry and yes, please know we are all here for you. Prayers and love your way.

  24. Crying while reading this and lifting your precious family up in prayers. I just cannot imagine what you are going through and I know no words will make anything better. I am just so sorry! Please don't feel badly for blogging through this, like you said the blog is your outlet and I think we all can understand that! You do what you gotta do! Prayers, friend!

  25. Prayers going up for all of you. I am so very sorry..

  26. You sound like an amazingly strong and faithful women. God bless you and your family. You are all in my prayers

  27. You sound like an amazingly strong and faithful women. God bless you and your family. You are all in my prayers

  28. Praying many prayers for your sweet family! That God will grant you his sweet peace. Really there are no words we can say .... But know you have people all over that has followed your story. ..Harpers story .... That only know of you thru social media but have grieved (and I am in no way implying to the extent yall feel) but I truly feel like I have a friend that lost her son, I looked so forward to his pictures, your blog posts, positive attitude you have drawn so many to you and to Harper he was an amazing little guy. He will be missed by your followers and will not be forgotten. It makes you speak a little softer and be a little kinder, while his life was short he really had such an impact on this world. God Bless your family we are praying in Dyersburg (Tn) for you all!

  29. I want to say something but just don't know what. I am so SO sorry your family has to learn to live with this pain. I am so glad God is giving you some strength, I pray to him to give you what strength he can from me. Baby Harper has touched my life clear up here in Iowa, he is an amazing little guy who will never be forgotten. Sending big strong hugs to you. I have also been praying for Michael, a Father/Son bond is so special, he is not being forgotten in this. Sending love...

  30. There are simply no words. I have not stopped thinking about you or praying for your family and will continue to do so. I am just so so sorry.

  31. I prayed for your family last night, this morning, and throughout the day today. I will continue to lift you up. I dont have words to express to you how sorry I am. I just hope you know how loved your entire family is by complete strangers. Sending love and prayers from Georgia.

  32. There are never the "right" words to say, just know I'm thinking of you and your family and praying for you always. Xoxo

  33. Praying for you, FH and the girls.

  34. My heart is so broken for you...yet as I read your story, it is filled with so much hope and faith. Truly positive. I wish I had words to comfort or the ability to help. I will continue praying. And I will also pray that you know you were as much a gift to your sweet Harper as he to you. I am so very sorry...

  35. Even though we don't know each other, I (as so many other have) have prayed for you and your family since learning of your loss, this is absolutely heartbreaking. I cannot image your pain and I'm so sorry. I cried reading this post, it is so beautifully written and your love so apparent. I will continue to pray for each of you and pray you find comfort in knowing that Harper is with our Lord until you see him again.

  36. I have read since you found out you were pregnant, and my heart just crumbles for you and your family. I have prayed for y'all when you went into labor and many times since then. This is no exception. You are absolutely right about sweet little Harper being able to breathe perfectly in Heaven. Many prayers and lots of love for you all.

  37. I have no words other than I am praying for all of you...

  38. Lora, we are all so heartbroken for you! We are all so attached because you have shared his story from the beginning even back when you were trying to get pregnant. Harper has touched so many lives. So many that he will never know. Thank you for sharing this. I know it was so hard to write and thank you for sharing Harper with us! Love and prayers to you and all your family!

  39. Lora, my mind has been on nothing else but your family since I first heard the news of Harper. I want you to know how my entire family is praying for you, FH and the girls. I know that we don't know each other that well, but as a mom, I cannot imagine what you are going through. I believe that you are right, that God did prepare you for this, and it is absolutely devastating, but you know you appreciated every single second with your precious son. You are such a strong woman and GOD will get you through this. I hope you can have some comfort in knowing that Harper is with Jesus and that he is waiting to see his mama and daddy and sisters again some day. Much love coming your way.

  40. I am so so sorry to read this, I will be praying for you and your family. Don't ever let anyone make you feel bad or think about the "what ifs" as there is absolutely nothing you could have done differently.

  41. I have not stopped thinking about you and your family. I will not stop praying for you. I don't have the right words to express how sorry I am for your loss. You are very courageous for sharing your story.

  42. There aren't many words that I can offer, that others haven't already said. But from one mother to another, I wish you peace in this time of unthinkable sorrow. I wish words were enough to ease your pain.

  43. I can't imagine what you and your family is going through. I will be praying for you daily.

  44. Tears flowed freely as I read this post, and are still flowing as I type this message. As you wished you could lay down and take away his pain, I wish that I could take even a morsel of yours. The amount of faith you have continously shown, is more inspirational than you could ever imagine. The amount of mamas you are helping to realize how precious each second with our children is, the amount of people you will inspire to know Him because of your outlook, is a beautiful thing. Nothing will bring back Harper, but I think you can rest easily knowing the impact he has had on so many lives in his short one. Prayers for your entire family will keep coming. Your web family is here if you ever need anything, and yes, we will love you through it.

  45. No one that has paid any attention over the last five months could ever say that you didn't do everything in your power to care for and love your little boy. Don't spend one second worrying about doing things differently. Easier said than done, I realize. I never liked the saying that God won't give you more than you can handle, because horrifying things like this are certainly more than one person can handle. But I believe that God won't give you more than your community can handle. In your case, my prayer is that you are surrounded and supported by a loving community that lifts you up and takes gentle care of you during this time. And of course, you have all of us. We are praying for you and your family.

  46. Words will never be enough. I have followed Harper's miracle life since the beginning, and I am so very sorry for your loss. You are all in my prayers. Cling to your faith and each other.

  47. Harper was the strongest boy out there - no doubt... and he gets this from his mother and father. I am praying every second of the day for all of you. No words I can say will help - nothing I do will help - but please know my thoughts and prayers are with you always. Elle, Wes, and I have prayed every night since he was born for him and we will continue to pray forever.

  48. I have read this three times today. The part about you two singing Jesus Loves Me rbought me over the edge. Such strong, beautiful parents. I know you are being storong for Michael and just know, that we are being strong for you.

  49. You have so much strength to even write this, I'm in awe. Saying prayers for you and the family. Your faith is amazing.

  50. Lora,
    My heart hurts so much for you and your family, even though I don't know you IRL. I have followed your blog since you were trying to get pregnant and prayed for you then. I prayed for you when you got pregnant, when you had sweet baby Harper, and continued even after you brought him home.I looked forward to all your blog and IG posts sharing Harper's precious face and journey. I admire your strength and awesome faith in God. I will continue praying for you and your sweet family. Hugs and prayers.

  51. Lora,
    My heart hurts so much for you and your family, even though I don't know you IRL. I have followed your blog since you were trying to get pregnant and prayed for you then. I prayed for you when you got pregnant, when you had sweet baby Harper, and continued even after you brought him home.I looked forward to all your blog and IG posts sharing Harper's precious face and journey. I admire your strength and awesome faith in God. I will continue praying for you and your sweet family. Hugs and prayers.

  52. Oh my dear sweet Jesus! I initially didn't know if I was going to be able to read this, but I did and thank you for writing it. I have followed your journey with sweet little Harper since before he ever entered this world. I read the first line and immediately my eyes welled up. When I read your IG post about him becoming an angel I sat staring at my phone in total shock and disbelief. I can only imagine how you and your family are feeling. He was definitely a borrowed angel. He touched so many lives in such a short amount of time. I know this is a difficult time for you and your family and you've been on my mind since Monday morning. I have prayed for you and will continue to pray for you. Sweet little Harper was so lucky to have you all and I know you feel lucky to have had him. He will be missed by so many. May God be with you & comfort you!

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. Prayers and love for you and your sweet family.

  55. Lora, I am so sorry for your loss. I will miss seeing pictures of Baby Harper. I only 'know' you through your blog and Instagram, but it has always been clear to me that you are an amazing woman and mama. Thank you so much for sharing your journey with Harper. It has touched my life and so many others. Watching you embrace every moment with your sweet baby has made me a better mom. Harper definitely won the mommy lottery with you and it is no wonder that you were chosen to be his mama. He was so loved, there is no doubt about it. Sending lots of love to you and your family.

  56. I am so sorry this happened, but he is in a much better and happier place now. I am praying for you and your family.

  57. Lora, I haven't stopped praying for you and your sweet family. Thank you so much for sharing your story. I am truly amazed by your strength. I know I can't relate to what you are going through but I do know that you are strong enough to make it. Baby Harper is in a much better place now. His time here was short but I'm so glad that you were able to spend that short time with him. You describe him perfectly when you call him an angel.

  58. I am so terribly sorry for your loss. I truly can't imagine anything worse than losing a child. You took such great care of him the past 5 months he was here and one day you will be reunited with him.

  59. I have no words. Such a heartfelt & raw post. Please know you are all in my prayers, you have been from the beginning and will continue to be in them.

  60. I know without a doubt that you will get through this because to have written this post, you had to be strong. Such a wonderful post and I know that I probably wouldn't have gotten through it. I am so terribly sorry for your loss and I will be praying for you. I can't even imagine the hurt and pain you are feeling.

  61. I can't imagine the hurt you, your husband and girls are feeling. I was shocked and saddened by your son's passing. I have been, and will continue to pray for you all. When I hug my twin girls, I'll hold on a little longer in memory of Harper. While I have never lost a child, I have lost someone very close to me and something you wrote in this post struck me. You said that putting groceries away will be your "last good memory". While I'm sure it feels that way now, I know you'll make new good memories. You'll take your son with you in your life. Think of him when you do new things and he will always be with you. God bless you all!

  62. There are no words to say except you have a beautiful heart, Lora. Harper knew love from his very first minute.Know that Jesus promises "no tears in Heaven." Harper's soul is eternal. Harper has yours and Michael's love for an eternity. I always told Tiffany that God gave Harper to the right Mom and Dad. God bless you. Love to you from my heart.

  63. oh wow, I am praying for your family. Such a hard post to read, I have an almost 3 month old and this brought tears to my eyes. Praying for peace over you, your husband, and kiddos.

  64. I wish I had the words to heal your heart or at the very least, to comfort you. But I don't think those words exist. So all I can say is THANK YOU. Thank you for sharing your precious boy with all of us. Thank you for sharing your story. Thank you for your courageous example of what it means to follow Jesus with your whole heart. I am praying for you.

  65. Oh Lora. Your family has been on my mind since yesterday. My heart hurts for you so so much. Just know that I'll continue to pray for you. I prayed for this baby to grow inside of you, and for strength when he came early, now healing for your hearts to mend. He will be so missed. Forever in our hearts #louie.

  66. There are no words adequate, but you and your family are in my prayers.

  67. My heart breaks for you and I can honestly say I feel your pain. It isn't easy and never truly gets easier but you will move on with life with him always in your heart!! You have been so strong for the last 5 months and will get through this. Sending hugs to you and your family!!

  68. No words can be spoken to tell you how sorry I am but my prayers are with you and your family and they always will be!!!

  69. I am so very sorry for your tremendous loss

  70. I am truly sorry for your loss, no words can describe how a mother feels after the loss of her precious child.

  71. I don't know you and this is the first time I've seen your blog, but I'm so, so, so sorry. I'll be praying for you. Thank the Lord that this isn't our home.

  72. Love and comfort being sent to you. I know that it wont take the pain away but hope it helps somewhat, <3 So sorry for your loss.

  73. My heart aches for your family...you are in my prayers.

  74. I keep wanting to say something and I'm just at a loss. My heart hurts for you and your family. Peace and strength to you all.

  75. As a Mom and a Nana I can only imagine your heartache! Just reading your story has touched my heart. May you find comfort in knowing you hsvn many people sharing your pain. God Bless you and your family

  76. I am so so sorry for your loss. I just can't even begin to imagine. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

  77. I don't know anything about you, but I read this post after reading a little about the situation on Holly's page. I'm not a mother( of skin kids, just dog kids) but my heart is breaking for you and your family. You are amazing and strong and I can feel how much you love your babies.
    I am so sorry for your loss
    Melissa Mann

  78. Oh Lora, I am so sorry. You and your family are in my prayers. (((HUGS)))

  79. Lora, I've been trying to think of the right thing to say since I read this. I am so sorry for you loss. Baby Harper was a beautiful little guy and your strength, positivity and courage through all of this has been nothing short of admirable. I cannot begin to fathom how you, FH or the girls feel. My heart hurts for all of you. Harper made a huge impact in the short time he was here. Know you are all loved and everyone is thinking of you! I'm pregnant with my first, and after following your journey since before you got pregnant, I've learned to be thankful for every single bit of this pregnancy. You never know where life if going to take you, and you and your family have truly inspired me to be thankful for every day.

  80. I'm so sorry for your loss. I have been praying for you and your family. May God give you peace.

  81. Lora, I've been praying for you and your family - I am so sorry. You are an amazing woman and amazingly strong! If there's ever anything you or your family needs please let me know! Seriously, even if it is addressing envelopes for you ;)

  82. I have been on a break from blogging and I am just now seeing this. My heart is shattered for you. I prayed for you so much and now I will be praying even more. I am so incredibly sorry for your loss.
