Jul 30, 2012

Miscellany Monday

1. This morning I started the Insanity workout. It was...in one word: INSANE!!!! Oh my goodness, almost throwing up my breakfast before I've even had breakfast was rough!

2. My kids are back in town! Finally, home from their dad's house and behaving as if they haven't seen me all summer, go figure.

3. School's about to start back up. I have two fourth graders. I'm not really sure if I am ready for that.....I mean, I'm not sure I'm old enough to have two fourth graders!!! Thank goodness they have a stepdaddy now, I'm going to let him be in charge of all the homework. Well, except for spelling. Spelling's not his strong point.

4. Work. Enough said. Our fiscal year end is coming up and so I will be busy busy busy. And I just found out that the co-op that works with me (intern) has decided to leave...right before year end. Awesome, just awesome. So I'll be training someone new while doing 2,374,981 other things all at once. Cheers to several paychecks that will include overtime. Boo to not seeing my husband and kids much during that time. (Or blogging for that matter!)

5. Is it 5 o'clock yet?! Surely it is...I'm ready to be off work and I just got here. Go figure.

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