Sep 7, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday

I'm loving that good things come in small packages.

I'm loving that FH sometimes surprises us with doughnuts in the morning....although when I'm trying to fit into my jeans I am NOT loving this!

I'm absolutely positively loving my crockpot! And I'm loving Crockpot Girls on fb! It's great to get up early in the morning and cook dinner so it's waiting on us when we get home! So far I've made taco soup, shredded BBQ pineapple chicken, and buffalo chicken dip. I've got lots of new recipes just waiting on me to try them. I'm doing much better at cooking and actually starting to enjoy it! Oh and my 3 loves are loving some Sloppy Joes! I didn't feel the need to tell k&a that they could probably cook them themselves.....I'll let them continue to think I'm a rockstar in the kitchen- no harm in that!
I'm loving that Kate is playing fall softball this year....but hating that Alex isn't playing! Here's Kate with her bat bag on her back and her backpack on her front....both orange of course!

I'm loving that while Kate is at softball practice, Alex and I get time to hang out! Here's some pics from our walk yesterday, she had fun in the sprinklers!

I'm loving that Alex is resourceful.....

And I'm loving that Kate is just plain silly....

And last but not least, I am loving Golden Tee! FH and I love to go play this game and one of these days I'm gonna beat him (although he's obviously been playing for at least 20 years!!!)

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  1. A great recipe site is Pioneer Woman. I love new recipes!!

  2. oh, i will have to check that out!! thanks!
