I'm sure some of you saw this title and assumed incorrectly. Sorry about that.
I've been told multiple times that I should write a book. I've thought about it, I've even started a few. I have a rough beginning to a book entitled "Diary of a Fat Girl" that would probably make you cry laughing....but there's no free time in my life! Truth is, even if I did write (and finish) a book, it wouldn't be as funny as my real life. I'm tellin ya people, you just can't make stuff like this up! Which leads me to the subject of this blog......
K&A are dying for FH&I to get married. Although we consistently tell them that weddings don't grow on trees, they still don't understand. They just aren't very patient when it comes to our wedding (no clue at all where that comes from.....).
So last night when we got home, the girls were waiting on FH to come over and see us. (They say the house is a lot more fun when he's around. I concur.) Kate saw a ring box in my room and informed me that she was "gonna repose to Michael!" They say 'repose' instead of 'propose'....it's just too hilarious to correct. So off Kate goes to put on a dress and make up. Mind you, the ring box had a girl ring in it so she improvised and found a small hoop earring that looked like a man ring. Here it is.

And then she got Alex in on the action.

Kate even had flowers from a wedding she went to this past Saturday.

So once Michael walked in the room, I told him to sit down in the recliner and I informed him that I had absolutely nothing to do with this! He was pretty sweaty cause he just finished working out before he came over, but this proposal had to happen quickly because dinner was ready!

This was all so funny to me!
As soon as she proposed, she said it was time for the wedding. No waiting around for her! And in true Katie May fashion, she asked me to go to my car to get a CD because their first dance was going to be to "Boom Boom Pow" by the Black Eyed Peas!!
All night long Kate called Michael her husband, and Alex informed me to "oooohhh girl, your FH is cheatin on you!" (her exact words)
So, as you can see, I could write a book. But there's no way it would be half as entertaining as my real life is!
Oh yeah, forgot to tell you, when she proposed, he said yes! Which gave me a great idea.....TOTALLY kidding! (kinda)
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