Jan 7, 2015


The first blog post of the year is a lot of pressure.
Especially when you turn your blog into a book.
So your first blog post is like the first sentence of a book.
So, 2015.
I'd like to think that I've started this year off right.
Yes, of course, I'm trying to lose weight.
As I have started every year off it seems.
But I have a few other goals this year as well.
Save money.
I'm the kinda girl that sees something that she wants, and buys it.
I mean, not completely.
I'm really cheap at the same time too.
So if it's a decent price and I want it, I get it.
This year I'm trying to be different.
I'm trying to save my money for things that matter.
And to pay off my one and only credit card and my car note.
Be present.
The girls and I often sit around on our own ipads watching shows
while FH watches football.
Yes, it's mainly because it's cold right now.
And mainly because after homework and basketball practice,
we all just need our down time.
But I want to be more involved with my kids.
And make lots of memories.
We've started a tradition of playing UNO every single night.
Obviously we won't continue playing every night,
but it's fun to all get together and play a game.
Put down the electronics and just enjoy each other.
My goal this year is to make more memories.
I think that's about it.
I dont want to set too many goals.
Oh, there are 2 more tiny goals:
have another baby and survive these two teenager attitudes that are all up in my house.
But you know, those should be simple.......sarcasm font.
Hope everyone has a happy new year.
I can't wait to see what 2015 has in store for our little family. :)
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  1. We play a lot of card games too... so simple yet great family time! Love your goals for 2015, all of them :)

  2. I have no doubt that 2015 will be a big year for you with nothing but the blessings you deserve!

  3. Here's to a New Year with many memories to be made and Babies to be made!!!!
