Jan 8, 2014

Looking Back on 2013

Let's recap 2013, shall we?

In January, I started my New Years resolutions like everyone else in America.
But 2013 was different. I had lots of support from my husband and the blogger world.
And I really commited to it.

In February, I ran my first 10K. And finished in like 1 hour, 5 minutes. I was proud of this since it was my first 10K and it was freezing, but I'd like to improve on this in 2014.

March, Kate and Alex turned 10. Double digits. I'm still not believing this one.

I ran my first half marathon in April, met some awesome blog friends while there, and, ahem, got pregnant. April was definitely a month that changed our lives. #Louie

May brought our annual Spring River trip with our favorite couple....and you can imagine how interesting this was since I was pregnant. Despite being knocked up, I had a blast. I took really really long naps, never took my cover-up off, and maybe cried a few times for no reason.

June was the month of my first wedding anniversary. What an awesome year of marriage!! We got to enjoy the top layer of our wedding cake that had been frozen, and let me just tell you, it was amazing. I didn't have much cake the night of the wedding since everything was so crazy so I had no idea it was so good. Plus I had no idea frozen cake could thaw out and taste good, but it sure did!

In July, I had a birthday. The older I get, the less I can believe it. I feel like I should still be in my early 20s and that's why I still dress like a college student. July also brought a furlough at work. It was nice to be off for several Fridays, I enjoyed the "vacation" but I'm still hoping they go back and pay us for those days.....

In August, the girls started 5th grade. 5TH GRADE!!! Their last year in the elementary building...where did my little girls go?! We also took our first family vacation to Nashville Shores. Who goes to a water park in August when they are pregnant? This girl. But I just sat in a chair like a beached whale while the girls and FH had fun....and towards the end of the day, I finally braved the pool. And I just have to say, if you have never been in a pool while pregnant, you are missing out!!! It was like I was weightless!!! Amazing. Kate also started volleyball and Alex started cheerleading. And so begins our many years of sports....which I am very excited about!

And in September, our whole world was turned upside down. I can honestly tell you that the entire time I was pregnant, I knew that I wouldn't go full term. I just had a feeling. No, I had no idea that I would have him at 26 weeks, but I knew it would be early. September was an amazing, scary, heart wrenching month. But looking back, I wouldn't change it. Harper was just that excited to meet us! And so began our new NICU lives......

In October, Harper had heart surgery. Which was terribly scary. And we moved to LeBonheur. Which would be our home away from home for the rest of the year. I was scared to death of both the move and the surgery, but both ended up being exactly what we needed. After Harper's surgery, he started to improve and was able to move off the oscilator and onto a new breathing machine. Once we got to LeBonheur, we had our own room and we were able to spend lots more time with Harper. Unfortunately, October also brought an infection for Harper. I will never look at Halloween the same. We won't know the full effect that this infection had on Harper until he is around 2, for reasons that I will not put on the interwebs. But this infection changed our lives, while also proving just how strong our little baby is.

November started a tough holiday season, which would mainly be spent in the hospital. When I wasn't in the hospital, I was thinking about my baby without me in the hospital. It was difficult to celebrate Thanksgiving, but I was lucky enough to spend the night with him since I was off work. November was also the beginning of  basketball practice.

December, still in the hospital. Harper's due date. We took the girls to see their first play at the Orpheum, The Nutcracker. The girls were in their last elementary christmas program at school, and they even sang solos. And I cried the morning of Christmas because I had to leave Harper alone that day. It was a tough holiday, but we enjoyed it as well as we could.

2013 was wonderful to us and showed us just how tough we can be. Balancing volleyball, cheerleading, basketball, 5th grade homework, work, and daily visits to the hospital has been a challenge. Not to mention the pumping milk EVERY. THREE. HOURS. I am looking forward to 2014 and all that it could bring!! Here's to hoping Harper comes home at the beginning of the year, and we can start a new kind of crazy. The kind of crazy that includeds our Party of Five all living under one roof.

Happy New Year!!!!!

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  1. You did so many awesome things in 2013. 2014 is going to blow us away!!!! drink that waterrrrr

  2. You've had a great year, some ups and downs but great. Here's to a even better 2014!!!

  3. 2013 was great to you. I hate that y'all have had to go through being in the hospital for sooo long. But I so glad you have a great team of nurses around you and it makes my heart smile every time you post about Harper's improvements and weight gains. He is a champ for sure! And my nephew turned 10 this year & even though it's not MY kid, I am right there with you. It's so crazy when they hit double digits! And then my brother in law turned 13 with blows my mind also! I've known him since he was 2 about to turn 3. CRAZY!
    I hope 2014 is amazing for your Party of 5!!

  4. 2013 was an exciting year and a bit of a roller coaster for y'all. I hope 2014 is the greatest year ever. I am sorry that last week ended up not being so great. I never get used to seeing a momma's heart break because their baby has to stay longer. You have handled it well.
