Nov 14, 2013

Just your Typical Amazing Morning

Today has been the best morning ever.
Or at least the best for me lately.

So, I slept through my 1 AM alarm last night.
Apparently if you are super sleepy and don't hit snooze after a couple of hours,
the alarm just shuts itself off.
I'm okay with that.
So when I woke up at 5 and pumped, I got double the amount of milk.
Meaning I got to sleep more but still got the same amount of milk.

On a sad note, I'm on antibiotics right now.
Which means I'm pumping and dumping for at least one week.
If you've never done this, then let me just tell you, it's HORRIBLE.
To work so hard and then throw it away....ughhh.
But we are running out of room in our freezer so taking a week off is
probably a good thing. At least I'm telling myself that.

I've noticed that pumping exclusively is entirely mental.
It's so hard, especially when I'm throwing it away, not to just stop.
But I know that it's best for the baby and it's a lot cheaper than formula.

Next up, I weighed this morning and I lost 2 more lbs.
Most of my weight from the baby came off right away but I have a little bit
that just won't go away, so it was awesome to wake up to a loss.

Annnnnd today I have on real jeans. As in not maternity jeans.
I know, I know, that's pathetic.
I shouldn't be wearing maternity jeans, but for some reason I have it in
my head that calories consumed do not count when sitting in the NICU.
So I have been shoveling Snickers down my throat like they are going out of style.

Also, Harper reached 3 lbs!
3 lbs!!!!!!
I'm so beyond excited about this.
Mainly because we have read so many times that it will feel like forever
to reach 3 lbs but after that, most micro preemies just shoot up.
And I can't wait for him to shoot up!
His chubby little cheeks kill me already.
Oh and we finally have one tiny neck roll. :)

Here's to hoping that the rest of the day follows along on this awesome train.
Happy Almost Friday. Pin It Now!


  1. Glad to hear things are going well and yeah for wearing normal jeans! I love my maternity clothes but I'm sure I won't miss them too much ;)

  2. Wonderful news!! Go Baby Harper - you'll be driving your sisters crazy at home soon enough with all the progress you keep making!

    And way to go wearing regular jeans! That is a huge victory. Don't beat yourself up about the weight...I think you are allowed a little grace given the dramatics the past few weeks. It took me 2 years, and that was with a normal birth situation! I may have allowed a little more grace than needed, but whatev's...hahaha

  3. Im so excited and i just cant hiiiiiiide it! grow harper grow! and shrink mommy shrink. Yall are bi-winning today :)

  4. That is the best news ever!! Way to go BH and way to go skinny Lora!

  5. I always read but rarely comment (so creepy!) So happy to hear about Harper's weight gain!! Congrats on getting back into those jeans girl. You are a super star! Lora FTW!

  6. I am so excited to hear about his weight! You can tell from the pictures he is getting bigger and yes those CHEEKS!! Precious!

    And I am sure many many women stay in maternity jeans after giving birth- I know I did! Hell, I wore 3 different pair of slinky maternity dress pants for years after, LOL!

  7. Yay! Great news for both of you!!! Except the pump and dump, that sucks!!!

  8. I loved the 3lb update on FB this AM! Yay, Harper! And go you! Down 2 more pounds and in real jeans!? Holla! xoxo

  9. I do the same thing in the NICU! I've done it got 4 1/2 months so I'm still 10 lbs over pre preg weight! Oh well, we have bigger things to worry about! Speaking of bigger ... 3 lbs woohoo what a big milestone! I was stoked when the twins got to 3:))

  10. Yay for his gain! I loooved seeing that update earlier today! He is such a champ & those little chubby cheeks of his are tooo cute!
    Congrats on your 2lb loss also! ♥

  11. YAY for 3 pounds!!!!! Can't wait to see pictures of more rolls! :)

  12. So glad that you and Baby H are doing well. He's gaining your loosing its a win win!!!

  13. Woop woop for non-maternity jeans! (I think maternity jeans actually sound pretty comfortable after a big dinner haha. Can I borrow them for thanksgiving? :P )
