Oct 1, 2013

The Adventures of Super Breast Woman

I may not always sleep at nighttime, but when I do, I make sure that it's for only 2 consecutive hours at a time. -Super Breast Woman

Have you ever noticed that all hard working humans/creatures/superheroes do their best work at night while everyone else is sleeping? Santa and his elves, the toothfairy, mice (just not in my house hopefully). and breastfeeding moms all have this is common.

Like a thief in the night, I creep quietly around.
The only sound you will hear at my house is the quiet pumping of the breast pump.
Up and down, up and down.
With my night vision eyes and my cat like reflexes, it's a wonder I get around the house.
Not wanting to wake anyone up, I never turn on many lights.
If someone leaves something on the floor that is unexpected, it will kill me.
I wear my cape on my chest, in the form of two bottles,
If only they would stay there with a hands free device.

It's so easy to be productive in the middle of the night, if only I could vacuum without waking anyone up. With Super Breast Woman in your house, it's no surprise if you go to bed with a full laundry hamper but wake up to clean, folded clothes.
The dishes may be done (except in our house because this is SuperFH's job) and dinner could magically be in the crockpot.

Your books could be packed all neat in your backpack and the stockings hung on the chimney with care. In fact, super breast woman might be tempted to finish up your homework for you, but she will resist for the love of all things that are proper.

Breakfast will be ready when you wake up and your clothes will be ironed.
Don't be fooled if Super Breast Woman is sleeping in the recliner, with drool running down her face.
It doesn't mean she actually went to bed last night, it just means she is resting her eyes until
her minions wake up.
Just wait about 5 more minutes and her "It's time to pump again!" alarm will surely sound.
Time to start over, do it all again.
Practice makes perfect and pumping liquid gold will make the baby grow.

And don't worry, it's okay to ask "Mom, did you actually go to sleep at all last night?"
She may be a superhero, but she likes that you notice all her nighttime hard work.

Until next time Super Breast Woman, go back to saving the world, 2 ounces at a time.

I may or may not be delirious, but I felt like it was time for a not so serious post. :) Pin It Now!


  1. I love this! This makes me love you so much more. Your attitude in this situation! You are a strong woman.

  2. Your ability to have such a positive attitude and see the not so serious aspects of this challendge is truly admirable. You are one of the strongest women I will probably ever come across and are such an inspriation!! Way to go, Super Breast Woman ;)

  3. You are superwoman!!! If only I could get you to get my hubs to behave like a proper human....I wll pay.... with the bread milk???? :)

  4. What an amazing woman!!!! I am so proud of you!!! The doctors, nurses and machines can only do so much- your hard work and that breast milk will do the rest- keep it up!!!! Baby Haroer is loving what only YOU can give him😄

  5. I meant Harper- hehe- it's too early!

  6. Oh you are SUCH a superwoman!!! Thank you for this laugh today!!!! I'm continuing my prayers & hugs for all of you guys!!!! You totally rock!

  7. You ARE super woman... I know you're thankful for how wonder FH is, how strong Harper is, and how amazing your girls are, but don't forget to be PROUD of the woman that you are too!

  8. There is this product called whisper wear, it's a hands free pumping system. I didn't want to spend a lot of money, so what I did was cut holes in the cups of a bra that was tight and I didn't care about, poked the pump cups through and attached the bottles. It worked great, and I could fold laundry or something while I was chained to the milking station. ;)

    Thinking of you guys! Prayers for HK every day!

  9. Love your positive outlook...you are super woman! Also, totally agree with ^ comment on cutting holes in a bra that's too small/you don't care about. Sending you strength and prayers!

  10. I love your positive attitude. I have a coworker who had a baby around 25 weeks as well - I think he was even smaller than your little one. I remember her coming in to work many times and crying at work. I can't imagine the emotional toll it takes. You are so strong and positive - we can all learn something from you!

  11. You are truly a rock star!!! And hey... I am usually up anywhere between the hours of 2 am - 5 am CST... But that is just because I have sleep issues and can only sleep through the night if I am drugged. I actually slept better when my kids were babies (I know that makes no sense)...

  12. I do believe you're delirious! Ha ha! But loved this post! You should write children's books!!!

  13. this is awesome, love your outlook, praying for baby Harper!

  14. haha. I love this!
    You go, Super Breast Woman!
    It really is easier to be productive at night!

  15. Get a sports bra and cut two holes in it. It makes multitasking so much better....just make sure it's one that hooks in the back rather than an over the head one.
