Oct 23, 2013

A Day in the Life of a NICU Momma

I'm tired.
Like really, really tired.
And I'm trying my best not to stuff my face with chocolate, when I
could easily convince myself that I need the energy.

So I thought I would show y'all what a day in my life is like now.
Obviously not every single day is the same.
We are still working out a good routine that works for everyone.
Some days have different events, like football games that throw us off.
But this is my ideal day, and how I want/need them to go.

5 AM wake up, shower, pump, get ready

6 AM wake girls up, remind them of a million things before I walk
           out the door (FH takes them to school)

6:15 leave for work

6:30-8:30 work

8:30 pump

9-11 work

11:00 eat lunch at desk

11:15 walk outside while the weather is nice. this is going to start today.
Since I use my breaks at work to pump now, I don't get to walk (which I
have always done) so this is my solution.

11:30 pump

12-2:30 work

2:30 pump (notice a trend here? it is always time to pump!!!)

3 leave work for the day

3:15 pick up K&A from school and head to the hospital to see
baby brother

4-5:30 visit with BH and FH. eat dinner even though it's super early
since we are normally starving.

5:30 pump

6-7 visit with the BH some more, FH&I help the girls with homework

7-8 head home, the most difficult part of my day

8-8:30 girls shower, get ready for bed, get in bed

8:30 pump

9 bed for me! I wait on this all day long!!!!

midnight pump

5 AM repeat.

I know all new moms are exhausted so I don't think I'm any different.
The stress of dealing with the hospital and not having my baby at home
added to the lack of sleep is a lot to handle...but God doesn't give you
more than you can handle so I'm good.

I can also tell you that I can NOT wait until the weekend. I plan on
staying at the hospital all weekend and taking at least 4 million naps.

And just so you know, the doctor told us yesterday that given BH's
size and age, he is doing awesome. That was music to my ears.

**Sorry for no pictures, but that would require more energy.**

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  1. Thinking about you often. Glad to hear your little guy is doing well. I can't imagine how hard this must all be on you but it sounds like you're hanging in there!

  2. You are a rock star!!! Seriously, anytime I have a white girl problem, I think of you and all your are going through, and that put's me in my place. Also, my kids loving seeing pictures of BH. They think he is the cutest thing ever :)

  3. Thinking about you! You are rocking this and are such an inspiration!

  4. Woman, I honestly don't know how you're doing it... you must be exhausted, emotionally and physically!! You're amazing and I hope you tell yourself that at least 8 million times / day! Enjoy your weekend with BH and hopefully you get those naps!

  5. Lora you are an amazing woman!

  6. Thinking of you often and keeping you in my prayers! You are a superwoman!!!!!

  7. Thinking of you still! That's awesome that Harper is doing so well!

  8. Oh Lora. Sounds so exhausting. So glad to hear about BH!!!

  9. I am constantly thinking of you! When I start to feel tired myself I darn near want to slap myself.... You are so right, God doesn't give us more than we can handle!

  10. Glad to hear youre developing some sort of schedule and that the Dr said he's doing awesome, you and yours are always in my heart and I pray for you all!!

  11. I'm so glad that Harper is doing great! There still isn't really a day goes by that y'all aren't on my mind at some point. I know I'm not a mom or anything of that nature, but I couldn't imagine dealing with everything all boiled together & I admire you so much for powering through. You're truly awesome!

  12. Yay for great words and those make my heart happy too.

  13. You're doing great! And so good to hear that BH is doing great, too!

  14. Hang in there momma your doing great!!! Glad to hear BH is doing well!!!

  15. You're doing amazing!!! So glad BH is doing great :)
