Jan 6, 2012

Christmas 2011

Ok so I am a little behind on blogging, but I have a fancy new camera so there are lots of pics!! I believe I will tell about Christmas by using my pictures.....

Christmas eve is always spent at my mom's house. We always have tons of fun there opening presents and eating the awesome food! I don't have any pictures from there because I still needed to buy a memory card for my new camera.

After my mom's house, FH, the girls, and I went to the house to open our presents for each other. It's so nice to have a family of four. We would be lost if we didn't have FH with us!! Please excuse the girls clothes, they were suppose to be getting in the bath and putting on PJs but somehow they were so excited that they got confused and put their PJs on (even though Alex still had her dress on) so their outfits look a little crazy....

After the girls opened up their presents to each other, they got in the bath and then were allowed to open the rest. The girls HATE, absolutely hate, bathtime so anytime that I have a reason to bribe then to take a bath, I use it! Please notice their towel wraps for their hair. They got these for Christmas and we use them every night, I LOVE THEM!

The girls got new little fish tanks for their fish, and a few other things. I noticed they were being pretty quiet which is NOT THE NORM for them AT ALL. They finally told me that they were really hoping that we had gotten them iPod touches, which is what they really wanted. There were no gifts left so they thought they didn't get them.

FH was pretty excited about his new tennis shoes........
Isn't he the cutest?! (I'm not biased at all.)

So, then when we were all done, I told the girls to go look in their stockings because I forgot about one more present that they had. It was an iPod touch for each of them. They freaked out!!! The pictures don't do the freak out justice. They literally went nuts. The pictures are a little bit blurry because they were jumping up and down....

These were definately the highlight of their entire night, and they haven't put them down much since. The rest of the night was spent looking at all the good presents we got.

We also made cookies for Santa and popcorn for the elves, of course. FH ran to the store to get carrots for the reindeer, but the store was closed. Kate just HAD to feed everyone so we cut up some cookies for the reindeer to nibble on. The girls had lots of fun with this....please excuse Alex, she doesn't like to wear clothes.....

Pretty soon, it was time for bed! The girls warned me that I should hurry up and get in bed too or Santa wouldn't come! I was a little worried about how quickly the girls would fall asleep. It was tradition when I was growing up that my brother, sister, and I all slept in the same bed when Santa was coming. My mom has pictures of us doing this. The girls don't fall asleep too quickly when they sleep together, but I at least wanted to try. They fell asleep immediately! And look how cute they looked snuggled up together in Alex's bed!

The girls woke up at 3AM. yes, you heard that right. Or wait, maybe it was 4AM. Yeah, I think it was 4. Either way it was WAY too early. But they claimed they had to go to the bathroom and they couldn't come out of their room without seeing surprises. They had to go to their dad's house around 9 so I figured I would go ahead and let them get up and have time to play (and nap) before time to go. And do you know what that silly Bella the elf did? Well, she trapped them in their rooms!!

It was fun and the girls got to run through it on their way to see their Santa stuff. (Thanks pinterest!)

That little elf wasn't the only one busy all night at our house, Santa came too!!

Kate's stuff was on the recliner, Alex's stuff was on the couch, and the shared stuff was over to the side. ***Please ignore the TN pillows. I'm pretty sure Santa delivered those to the wrong houses!***

Kate absolutely freaked out when she saw her electric scooter (she walked like a zombie towards it), and Alex couldn't believe it when she saw her new keyboard!!

                                                  Santa was good to them this year!! And they still had lots more places to go. They went to spend time with their Dad and his family next. When we got them back,we headed to FH's sister's house for some fun. The girls got great gifts and helped keep everyone entertained by forcing them to play Truth or Dare. It was great fun and everyone was crying laughing while playing the game.

It was a great, great day. I am so grateful for our families, we are lucky to have so many loved ones.

The next day, the girls were up SUPER early ready to try out their new toys outside since it was raining on Christmas day.

       Merry Merry Christmas everyone! Now, bring on 2012. The year of the wedding!! I can't wait! Pin It Now!

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