Apr 22, 2011


I haven't been able to blog much lately because we don't have internet at our new place. We also still don't have cable, which is actually going pretty good. The girls spend tons of time outside hanging out with new friends, I have developed a daily walking routine, BUT I have been spending a lot of money renting movies! lol, so not sure that this will last forever. at least it is going to last long enough to help them realize that there is more to life than TV.

As we were moving out of my dad's house, I remembered something. Someone, a couple of years ago, wrote on the wall. I had to take a picture to document this. Why did I feel the need to document this? Well, take a look......
Still confused about why this is a great memory? Well, take one guess on who wrote this on the wall? WRONG. It was Kate. I guess she thought she wouldn't get caught if she wrote her sister's name on the wall instead of her own......sneaky little thing!!! Don't worry, you can't get much past me! I figured it out by the look in her eyes....but of course I informed her that I knew because "moms know everything" and "I have eyes in the back of my head". Nice try though.......

One other thing to document on this blog, since we have moved into the apartment, and the girls have their own rooms, they have been acting like big kids. Making their beds, closing/opening their window blinds each day, cleaning up after themselves, and (apparently) helping me stock up our freezer. Look at what I found when I opened up my freezer:
Reason # 5,342,309 why it's hard to diet as a mom.

Just another day in the life of K&A......

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