Apr 28, 2011

Busy Busy Bees

I have all but given up on blogging. Without internet at the house, plus starting a new position at work (which is really interfering with my social life, lol), my free time on the computer is next to no time at all! Right now, we are sitting at my mom's house and there are about 20 men on top of the house replacing the roof, so it is impossible to think straight enough to blog. But my pics are building up, so let me just at least put them on here to keep track of what we have been up to lately......

Playdates. I love all of these little girls and boy are they goofy! This particular playdate had to be documented, because well, let's just say my friend Tiffanie met her future husband. The guy very smoothly used his kid to get her number and it has been happily ever after ever since.....(ok so it's only been about a week, but still, that's not the point)

Saturday afternoon, we went to help FH sell his lab puppies. I am pretty sure the girls whined a little each time one of them sold, and I rejoiced. Luckily, no pets are allowed at the new apartment so I could blame it on that. There are still 2 puppies left so I guess you know what FH and I will be doing this Saturday.....here's Kate with a pup.

Saturday night, we went to a concert. Not just any old concert. The first concert of a hot new up and coming country singer who also happens to be one of my BFFs, Nat Oliver. (look her up on youtube.....**shameless plug**) My camera had a mind of it's own that night so there weren't any good pics. I did catch this one of Kate and FH. It's not a great picture, but it was definately a great moment- they were sharing nachos.

Next up: Easter.
We started the morning off with the Easter Bunny and doughnuts. As you can see, Kate had a HUGE doughnut!!!

     **I do realize there are lots of pics of Kate and not too many of Alex, Kate just likes pics more.**

Then came the Easter pics....Kate had on heels and was taller than Alex, so Alex was not too happy about that. That's why she is trying her darndest to "stand tall"....

We decided to surprise Michael's mom by going to her church. I am pretty sure she loved it and it made her day! And then came more pics......

The girls are sitting so far apart in the middle picture because Alex wouldn't let Kate get near her....such is the drama that we deal with on a daily basis......

Later on it was family time at my Aunt's house. It's always great to see my extended family, it just doesn't happen often enough!! Kate and FH had a lot of fun playing with the Fat Face camera app. I didn't let them take my picture because why would you do that to yourself??? lol

I love these pictures....I seriously laughed forever at them!!!

Oh yeah, and how could I forget....all weekend there were TONS of storms! Very scary time. Actually, it was at the beginning of the week, not the weekend, but same difference. The girls spent a little quality time in the bathtub, then they moved into Kate's closet to watch a movie on the portable DVD player. **Thank goodness we weren't without power long!!**

Well, I guess that about sums up what has been going on in our neck of the woods. Oh and one last pic of Alex (since there don't seem to be many). Here she is with her new haircut,holding a tiny easter chick from FH....

That's all for now....back to my pioneer life with no internet and no cable...THANK GOODNESS FOR MY IPHONE OR I WOULD REALLY BE LOST!!!!!
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