Jan 28, 2011

Snow Days

We have had a lot of snow lately and the girls have been loving it! Luckily, when we got our first snow warning, while everyone else was running to the grocery store to get their milk, eggs, and bread, I was running to Target to get the girls snowsuits! I know those little girls and I knew they wouldn't last long in the cold without the proper gear. This is the second year in a row that we have been at my mom's house when it snowed, and this is the second year in a row that we have gone on a long walk. Last year we walked all the way to O'Charleys to eat and then we went and saw a movie. Yes, that means that we crossed over Germantown Parkway.....that was scary/interesting/probably not the smartest move! This year we walked to Walgreens to get candy and a movie. Yes, we froze. Yes, the girls were exhuasted. But we made some great memories and that's what counts! Here are a few pics of the snow days.....

We used the top to the trashcan to sled on, it's works just as good as a real sled. The first day of the snow, it was impossible to sled, but the second day it worked pretty well. We also made snowmen. I have to say, the girls are way better than I am at building snowmen. Pretty sure they have their yankee daddy to thank for that! He taught them long ago, and now they are teaching me. Michael came over and played with us in the snow, we even made a family of snowmen to represent all four of us. The picture is a little blurry, but you can see how great our snowmen were!

And just a few more pics to show how silly these girls are......

Thank you God for good times, big fun, and great memories! Now.....show me warm weather!!! Pin It Now!

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