Jun 3, 2013

Weekend Recap

Ummmm, hey new blog design!
Thanks Holly for my makeover.
If you are looking for a blog makeover, PLEASE contact Holly or her other half Hubby Jack. They are pretty great....and I'll be hanging out with them this weekend. Heeeeyyyyyyyy.

I haven't done a weekend recap in FOR-EV-ER.
And we had one of the best weekends ever so now is a good time.

Friday night, the girls got their trophies for softball.
I'm so sad it's over!
This was our first year in kid pitch and we loved it....always sad to see it go.

I can't wait until they get older and don't despise pics so much.

After the softball field, the girls BEGGED me to drop them off at the skating rink.
I have always said I would never do this.
Mainly because when I was little there was NO WAY my mom would drop me off.....but they have gotten really strict there now.
No sneaking out and going to the pool hall like when I was young.
They won't even let you leave the building without a parent.
So, I did it.
And the girls LOVED it.
And I had about 2 hours of free time which was GREAT.
BUT it is up in the air whether or not they will be going back.
Mainly because of 3 reasons:

1. Kate asked if she could wear mascara next week.
2. Kate asked me how old I was when I got my belly button pierced.
3. Kate came direcly home and picked out her outfit for next Friday.

I'm sure Alex had the same thoughts.....so we'll just have to see about that. If it were up to FH, he would have them dropped off in turtlenecks and pants while he stands outside holding a shotgun.

Morning time involved sleeping in and a breakfast buffet.
Need I say more??
Then Kate wanted a friend to come over to play.
I figured this was a great idea since it was raining and I didn't want to hear "I'm bored" 9,863 times that day.
Plus FH and I were cleaning house so they needed a distraction.
Please note I said "come over and play" not come over and spend the night.
And then we went to pick the girl up and her mom said "Okay so I'll call you around noon tomorrow, is that okay?"
Ummm, what?
Too bad I'm too nice so I didn't say anything.
Oh and then around 4, the girl informed us she never ate lunch.
{We picked her up at 1......}
Alex tried to find a friend to spend the night with her (3 is a crowd!!)
but everyone was busy or not answering the phone,
so she proceeded to pout all night.

All-in-all it was a fun time though....and it made me realize I am SO glad that I don't have triplets. Three pre-teen girls are LOUD.

We couldn't go to church because the little girl didn't pack church clothes.
After we dropped her back at home, we were going to take the girls to the movies.
And they both acted like we were making them go to school on a Saturday. I have no idea why...but they weren't interested.
Which really bummed me out because I wanted to go see Hangover 3 while they were watching their movie.
So instead of spending $40 on a movie to torture them with, we decided to go to the fair.

A tiny traveling fair.
You should know that I am scared to death of these tiny fairs.
I blame this on my Mother.
But seriously, the huge rides are on wheels.
How safe is that?!

We decided to risk it though.
And I told FH that if any of the rides collapsed while K&A were on them then he was to blame.
He is use to me blaming things on him though so that was fine.

We ended up buying them wristbands and let me just say this was $30 well spent. Especially when we were about the first ones there so there was NO line waiting at all.
Unlimited rides with no waiting...what more could a kid want?!

The girls rode every big kid ride several times.
I was shocked at how brave they were.
I was almost in tears when they went up in this huge ring thing that went upside down. Mainly because I could tell Alex was scared to death. And they were the ONLY ones on the ride.
And neither of them screamed. AT ALL.
But even from the ground we could see their knuckles turning white from holding on so tight.
And then they got off, ran up to us and said:
"We are so skinny that we thought we were going to fall out!"
Mark that down as something you will never hear me say.
Their legs were tiny compared to the buckle thing.
And then they said "Let's do it again!"

FH photo bomb.

And while they were running all over the place riding the rides,
FH and I thought we would do what normal people do at the fair:
Unfortunately the HUGE difference between a tiny traveling fair and a "real" fair: the food.

This pregnant girl got an ice cream cone and threw it in the trash.
If you can believe that.
I didn't even know you could mess up soft serve ice cream, but they managed it.
After that, we were scared to try anything.
Not to mention, it was EXTREMELY difficult to order because the workers didn't speak English.
And when I say they didn't speak it, I am not exaggerating.

The rides made it totally worth it though.
And the wristbands.
I knew it was a good time when they came up to me and said "We're tired." and then when we got in the car and Kate requested we turn the music down for quiet time.
Whoa, what?!

After a small recovery nap and some quiet time in front of the TV,
we were back up and going again!

The girls went to Vacation Bible School.
To a church that we have never been to before.
And they knew absolutely no one.
Walked right on in without a problem.
I'm always impressed by their boldness.

This means FH and I had two and a half hours of free time.

I swear to you I am almost finished with the longest post of all time.

So, we went to eat Mexican.
And then ran in the grocery store.
I told FH we only had 30 minutes until we had to pick up the girls so we had to double team that grocery store....and we did.
I had the list and I sent FH around the store.
And we finished in 10 minutes.
Got to the church.
Waited about 15 minutes.
Wondered where the heck all the other parents were.
And then I was all like "Miiiiiichaellllllll, it's over at 8:30, not 8"
Pregnancy brain.

What a fun weekend.
I love fun-packed weekends exactly like this and can't wait for more.

Happy Monday Y'all.
Is it just me or is anyone else in shock that it's already June?!

FH purchased our first baby item on Saturday.
How could we possibly pass this up??

#goTigers Pin It Now!


  1. Kate trips me out. FH DOES need to be on standby with that shotgun.

    And I had the same bib for JT!! The flea markets are a great place to find stuff like that!

  2. I am with FH. I dread the day my daughter is a teenager. Good lord. I just want to fall asleep when she is ten and wake up when she graduates from college!

    And I am totally with you on the fair rides. I don't understand how safe they can be if they are put together and taken apart every weekend....

    Loving the new design and the bib!

  3. My daughter just asked to wear mascara. She's going to be in 6th grade, I still think it's too early. Love the new design.

  4. My goodness woman, you had a busy weekend! Lots of fun though, you're such a good mom! Love the new blog look... looks fantastic! Just switched your button out on my page to the new one.

  5. Slow down Kate! I would be sending her in a turtleneck too if she asked to wear mascara. Haha!

  6. I love your new design!! Busy but fun weekend. See you this weekend. Yay! ; )

  7. Love the new design. Bennett asked to go to the fair too and I told him it wasn't a real one and the rides were too dangerous. Whoops! Little white lies don't count right?

  8. Love the new design! Sounds like you had a fun weekend filled with lots to do! My lovely 6 year old doesn't bother to ask, she just comes out with a full face of MY make up on! This has led to her having a sty on her eyelid, more than once. I swear she is secretly trying to send me to the funny farm!

  9. Wow! You all had an awesome weekend!
    I used to love being dropped of at the skating rink!
    Love the new blog design also! & I'm stealing your button!
    & I'm in total shock that it's already June, but excited at the same time. I love June and July!
