Jun 11, 2013

Tummy Tuesday #2

Okay, here we go again!

How far along? 11 weeks

Sleep? last week to sleep on my back! I'm slowly training myself to sleep on my side....but it's not pretty.

Maternity clothes? I'm happy to report that FH took me all over Memphis this past weekend and I finally found some maternity clothes that I don't hate. Just in time too, I'm busting out of my normal clothes. I'm grateful also because for some reason when I have on my maternity clothes, I look pregnant. When I have on my normal clothes, I just look like a chubster that needs to diet more.

Best moment this week? Definately walking out of the dressing room with more than enough clothes to buy.

Miss anything? My energy. It's slowly coming back to me though. I'm not coming home from work and going directly to my bed, so there's that.

Movement? Not that I can feel yet but from what I'm reading, the little bun is moving tons.

Size of the baby? a large plum

Food cravings? none really, thank goodness. I eat enough as it is, we don't need to add any cravings in!!

Morning sickness? No, hallelujah!

Gender? I feel like it's a boy. I'm not sure if this is wishful thinking or if it's just because this pregnancy feels so much different than last time. Of course last time there were two babies and I was ten years younger so obviously it's going to feel pretty different!

Bed rest? No.

Limitations? I haven't been able to exercise like I want to. I finally walked last night and my back was killing me afterwards.....I do walk 2 miles every week day on my breaks at work, so at least that's some exercise.

Pregnancy Symptoms? MY BACK. I know it's nothing more than a normal pregnant lady feels....but man, it's not fun.

Wedding Rings? Still on, but after I finish walking my fingers are super swollen. It quickly goes away though.

Looking forward to? the second trimester....almost there!!

Oh, and just so you know, we found out last week, there's only one baby! And he/she is growing healthy and looks great!

It's amazing the difference between the 6 week ultrasound and the 10 week ultrasound. Grow baby, Grow!

Happy Tummy Tuesday y'all!!
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  1. You look great!! I love shopping for maternity clothes. Can't wait to see what you bought!

  2. I'm not loving this awkward phase between looking chubby and looking pregnant. Yay for only one baby! And good for you getting 2 miles in during the week. I have to find some motivation to start walking soon.

  3. I was going to say your baby bump is so cute I just want to eat it. Then I realized how creepy I sound, and that I need a snack.

  4. How exciting! If you guys have a boy, you'll need to get a third hunting rifle! ;-)

  5. What is the heart rate? Slow heart rate usually means boy and fast means girl. My sons was always around 130's and my daughter was 160's. When I went to my checkup on the 4th I was 10 weeks then also and the heart rate was 168 for this one so I think I am having another girl.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. :))
    Yay for finding some new clothes and for slowly regaining more energy!

  8. I hope your energy comes back over the next couple weeks. You look great!
