Jun 4, 2013

Tummy Tuesday

Okay guys, I think it's about that time.
I have always said that if there was a bun in my oven, I would do Tummy Tuesday each week to track progress.
Mainly because I have not one single picture of me pregnant the first time.

And just so you know, I'm sure these questions were a part of a linkup at some point, but just so I give credit where credit is due, I am stealing these questions from this blog. Make sure you go check her out as her story is much more interesting than mine.

How far along? 10 weeks but I look like I'm 20 weeks

I know what you are thinking:
Hey Lora, why on earth would you post that picture??
Where is your makeup?
Are you sure that's not just a food baby?

Sleep? Lots of it. But I'm counting down the days until I can't sleep on my back anymore....which will be HORRIBLE. Apparently I am safe to sleep on my back for 2 more weeks. After that, I don't know what I will do.

Maternity clothes? ....will be the death of me. No, but really. I'm busting out of my normal clothes but I don't look right in maternity clothes. I highly encourage anyone that is even slightly overweight and wanting to get pregnant to lose weight now! I would be so much less miserable if I had. Trying to focus on the miracle growing inside me instead of the fact that I am living in tshirts and jeans and not feeling cute. #firstworldproblems

Best moment this week? I'm hoping this will be today. I have my second ultrasound this afternoon. Please pray with me that there is no hidden second baby and that the baby is growing and healthy.

Miss anything? Sweet tea. And as dumb as it sounds, dieting. I miss working out hard to lose weight.

Movement? Too early for that.

Size of the baby? the size of a lime this week and growing fast.

Food cravings? None really....but I can tell you that I have lost interest in Mexican food, which was my main love before pregnant. It's weird. and FH is really sad about this. I'll still eat it, I just don't crave it ever other day like I was before.

Morning sickness? Not too much anymore.

Gender? Long time to go before we find that out.

Bed Rest? No, thank you.

Limitations? Nothing major yet.

Labor Signs? Obviously no.

Pregnancy Symptoms? Just so sleepy. All. The. Time.

Wedding Rings? Still on.

Looking forward to? Making sure there is only one baby.

That's all for now!
Happy Tuesday! Pin It Now!


  1. I LOVE mexican food...and for the first 14 weeks of my pregnancy the thought of Mexican food made me sick! Love this tummy tuesday!

  2. Love this!

    I popped out so bad with my second baby. I was in mat clothes at 11 weeks! It was ridiculous. I looked pretty dumb in them for awhile, but I couldn't wear anything else comfortably. I think you look adorable and congrats on your pregnancy! :) xoxo

  3. You look so cute and happy! Congrats again!

  4. I love it! I'm so excited for you guys. Crossing my fingers that there is only one baby in there, but just in case, at least you have two built in babysitters so they each could hold one:)

  5. You look so cute! So happy you finally got you bun :)

  6. How exciting! Looking forward to tummy Tuesday!!

  7. Oh my gosh you look adorable! On the sleep issue, I've been trying to train myself to sleep on my side and its working sort of. I'm a stomach sleeper and there is going to come a time where I can't be anymore. I'll probably cry when that day comes.

  8. You look so cute! And happy!!!

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. You look so cute!!! Loving the new blog look as well :) I am a stomach sleeper and couldn't do it at all and I'd end up on my back almost every night when I was pregnant...Nugget came out just fine! Haha :) Here's to hoping for only one baby!

  11. Despite what you think you look absolutely adorable!!!

  12. You look adorable. :) Hoping for your sake there is only one baby in there today.

  13. You are too cute! You almost make me miss being pregnant! Almost...well, no not at all really! But I'm glad you are enjoying it! ;-)

  14. Uh, I see nothing wrong with your picture! You look great and happy!!
    Excited to hear how your ultra went!

  15. Geeee you are truly showing early!!!! Its amazing :) Your new follower!
