Jun 19, 2013

Father's Day

Okay, okay, so I'm a little behind.
But I knew I had a lot of pictures and for some reason I have been too lazy to upload them until now.....so I am just now posting about the weekend. It happens.
And now my computer is being slow. #firstworldproblems

So we celebrated Father's Day on Saturday because Sunday the girls went with their Dad.
And when I say went with their Dad, I mean they are not coming home for two whole weeks! It's so quiet in our house right now!

We started out the morning with presents.
And guess what FH wanted?
House shoes.
Did I mention that it's June and HOT outside.
House shoes are not sold ANYWHERE in Memphis.
And I didn't even think about this until like the week of so I keep telling him I swear his house shoes are coming eventually in the mail.

Kate picked out a sweatshirt for FH because they share a love for TN. I let her get it because it was on super duper clearance, mainly because no one in their right mind buys a sweatshirt in June.
She was proud of her gift.

And I must say, her gift was much better than what I got my stepdad.
But what can you buy the man who has everything he could want?
He asked for socks so he got socks!
And the girls are killing me in this picture....

Then it was on to breakfast and puzzle putting-together.
This puzzle has taken over my table.
I can't say I'm happy about that, but I love when the three of them do projects together so I'll survive.

They are pretty hardcore about putting that thing together.

We decided to celebrate Father's Day at Incredible Pizza.
Because we all love playing games and I wanted to blow $100 in like 25 seconds.
We had TONS of fun.
FH and I spend ALL of our money on this game.

We always try to win an iPad. Which we already have AND we have spent enough money on this game that we could have bought another iPad by now...but it's fun and I am DYING to win it!
Seems impossible, but I saw a girl win once.

Saturday night we spent some time planting flowers for the front porch.
And by "we" I mean I watched, FH instructed, and the girls planted.
One of the nine million reasons why I love FH, his patience.
He sat there and let them do all the work while I was cringing thinking the money we spent on flowers was going to go to waste because they were killing them....but they turned out great. And I know the girls had fun planting them.

Kate drew a picture and made a prediction about the baby.
Please note, this is just a prediction, we don't know yet!

And FH had fun goofing off with the girls.

All in all, it was a GREAT father's day.
We couldn't ask for a better stepdad and future dad!!!

Love you FH.
Thanks for being the glue that keeps us all together. :)

Happy Hump Day Y'all!
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  1. FH is just perfect! Although, a sweatshirt and slippers?? :) I feel you on the heat, girl. I'm not too far from you -- in Olive Branch, MS. Enjoy your couple of weeks of peace!

  2. I'm more impressed she was able to do things while sitting on that ball.

  3. Looks like you guys had a great day...the flowers are beautiful!

  4. He looks like he is the best dad ever!

  5. Fun! Feel free to send them over to pot some flowers for my entry. Anything I plant does not survive.
