Jun 8, 2012

"Nice to meet you, ma'am"

I'm not really sure how to start this post. I'm not even sure if I want to document this moment cause I would really be okay if I didn't remember it. Alex came home yesterday from summer camp and told me she liked a boy AND THAT HE LIKED HER BACK. Lord help me. Kate was mad because she said that Alex always had boyfriends and she didn't. I asked Alex to tell me what happened and this is what she told me.

**The boy's name has been changed for his protection.**
"I just walked up to Kyle and I said 'Do you know who I like?' and he said 'No' and so I said 'His name starts with a K' and then I walked off. Then I went back up to him and I said 'Do you know who I like now?' and he said 'No' and so I said 'The second letter is Y' and then he knew so he decided that he liked me too."

That was the whole story. Told to us in one long run-on sentence with a little bit too much excitement.
Michael and I just smiled. Good for you. You're a little too brave with boys but that's a funny story.

Then we get to the softball field. And there is a little boy standing next to me. He said "Are you her Mom?" I slowly nodded my head yes without smiling. He shook my hand and said "Nice to meet you.". "She likes me" he said, while pointing at Alex. Alex giggled. Then he proceeded to tell me "I can cook, I can clean, I can do dishes and wash clothes." I'm pretty sure at this point, my mouth dropped open. I said "Well, are you planning on marrying her?" He said "Naw." Awkward silence. Then he said (and I quote) "My ex-girlfriend cheated on me." This is when I punched him in the face. Oh wait, no, I mean this is when I wanted to punch him in the face. My bad. But actually all I did was tell him that he was too old for Alex. He said "No, I'm only a year older." and then he ran off.

Well, that went well. I looked at FH and he didn't say a word.

I'm not really sure if it was the little boy's huge Jordan tennis shoes that weren't laced up, or his baggy pants, or his talk about his ex-girlfriend, but it just wasn't working for me.

Luckily, after me and her daddy both told her to stop calling him her boyfriend, she came home last night and said "I don't think I like him anymore. He's not cool." Thank goodness we avoided that one. I have a feeling this will happen often and I have a feeling that we won't be able to talk her out of every boy that she is interested in. I also have a feeling that it is a good thing that FH is already bald or he would be slowly losing hair.

We have a VERY long road ahead of us.

**Please note, if for someone reason, anyone knows the little boy and is reading this then please understand I'm sure this little boy is a nice young man and I have nothing against him. But my little girl is still my baby so no one will ever be good enough for either of them.**
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