Sep 28, 2013

Snoring on the Operating Table

If you missed any of this story, you can check out part one here and part two here.

Freaking out is an understatement.
Suddenly everyone in the room was running around frantically.

I remember just trying to find FH's face so that I could see if he was okay.
He was holding it together...barely.
And when he told me that he loved me, I just about lost it.
I was so SO scared.
As far as I knew, lungs don't develop until 34 weeks.
I knew this because K&A were preemies and they were on steroids to develop their lungs.
So how could this baby, the one I had prayed so SO hard for, how could he make it so early?

The prep for a C-section is scary under any circumstances, I'm sure.
But this all happened so quickly that I didn't even know where to look.
I do remember telling the nurse that I felt like such a baby.
I usually pride myself on being a tough cookie, but I was a hot mess.
It's one thing to be scared for yourself, another thing to be scared for your unborn child and
worried about your husband.

The room was freezing.
And FH couldn't be in there.
I can't say the epidural was horrible.
I can't say any one part was horrible, just the entire experience.

It didn't take long before he was out.
And I heard him cry.
Was that even possible?!
I didn't think so.
He sounded like a tiny little puppy dog right when it's born, just a tiny whimper.
And they whisked him away upstairs to the NICU.

Then it took forever for them to stitch me back up.
So long that I was shivering...and I'm pretty sure I fell asleep on the operating table.
And by "pretty sure", I mean I was snoring.....
What can I say? It was a long day!!

It was about 3 hours before we got a status on him.
And all I wanted was some ice and my baby.

6 days later and Harper is a champ.
He is breathing with the help of an oscillator, but is slowly coming off of it.
He doesn't get milk yet, he just gets continuously fed through a tube in his belly button.
We are hoping he will start getting milk tomorrow and then will gain some weight.

He was 1 lb, 9 ounces and 12 inches long.
Born Sept 22, 2013.....with a due date of December 29.

It's obvious he couldn't wait to get into this world and we are okay with that.
I guess we know he listens well.....on last Saturday night I said "I wish Baby Harper would just hurry up and get here!"

And just like that, he listened.

Be careful what you wish for.

I can't wait to watch Harper grow strong and beat the odds stacked against him.
He's already in so many hearts and prayers.
Now, I just can't wait til he is home in his crib. :)
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  1. I'm so glad little Harper is doing so well! I've been thinking about all of you so much this past week. I can't begin to imagine what you are going through, but Harper is so lucky to have such loving parents. You too both seem so sweet and so dedicated, and that's an amazing thing. Keep the little guy growing, and I hope he can get some milk soon!

  2. What a sweet and tiny miracle :) I can't wait to hear more about his fight and I love his name. Harper is my great grandma's maiden name!

  3. What a sweet, sweet boy. You & your family have been on my mind & heart a lot lately. Know that you have a lot of people praying for you & wishing little Harper all the best!

  4. WOW! Not exactly the birth story you imagine having to tell. Harper is a fighter, just like you. Still thinking and praying for you, Harper, FH and the girls.

  5. Snoring on the OR table, classic! :)

  6. Harper is strong just like his Mama :)
