Aug 27, 2013

Tummy Tuesday #13

Y'all. Time is FLYING by.
And I couldn't be happier.
I love the feeling of this little one kicking me, but I dream
of the day I can sleep on my back or stomach again.

How far along? 22 weeks

Have you noticed that I wear tshirts 99.9% of the time?
We are allowed to wear them to work, which is perfect for me.
I don't mind dressing like a college student on the reg.
I let my work speak for itself....although I will tell you that
it gets a little awkward when you walk into an unexpected meeting
with all of management and you are sporting a Memphis tshirt and a
baby bump....oh well, what can you do? Besides dress up, obviously.

Sleep? Just like it has been. Not great but def not awful. Oh and FH
has been off work this week so having him at home at night and in the
bed with me makes it much better. Even if I do keep him up half the
night with my tossing and turning. :)

Best moment this week? The ultrasound today!! Although, Baby Harper
sure didn't want his picture taken. We could not get one of his face but
he gave us a clear shot of his butt and man parts. The good news is that
this means we get to have another ultrasound when we go back in 4 weeks.
I'll take it.

Miss anything? My coworker!!! She had her baby on Sunday and so
now I have to work for 6 weeks without her. It's gonna be a looong 6
weeks but I'm so excited that she gets to spend time at home with her baby.

Movement? Yes, lots. I was glad that I could prove it to FH when he
saw him squirming in the ultrasound. He is a mover! But FH hasn't been
able to feel him yet. He tried really hard last night, but he always misses it.

Size of the baby? a papaya. 8 inches, 1.2 lbs....although today at the
ultrasound he measured at 13 ounces. Also, I'm kinda freaking out about
the size of this we all know, I'm huge. Well, I just found out that
FH's dad was 12 lbs when he was born and my dad was 10. I was almost other words, we make big babies. Maybe this will be a Thanksgiving
baby instead of a Christmas baby?! That would work for me.

Food cravings? None really....I got kinda obsessed with drinking Root
Beer. Which is weird. But it's caffeine free so I was safe to drink it....and
then I realized how much I was drinking. So I stopped cold turkey.
I've been guzzling water like there's no tomorrow. I will do almost anything
to make sure I don't gain too much more's gettin' ugly!

Gender? Boy

Best rest? No Thank you!

Limitations? Putting my shoes on, painting my toenails, getting out
of bed, breathing...all of these are super simple tasks that are not so simple anymore.

Pregnancy Symptoms? Nothing horrible. My pains kinda come and
go pretty quickly. I'm good with that. I don't mind hurting as long as
I don't stay in pain 24/7.

Looking forward to? Showing off the nursery. I'm hoping FH is secretly
putting the crib together right now as we speak....hear that, FH??

All in all, time is FLYING by. And now that September is almost here,
I know time will really zoom by. This is our year end at work so I will
be crazy busy and working tons of hours....I just hope I can handle sitting
in this chair long enough to get through the month!

Happy Tuesday Y'all!!
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  1. Time is flying by for me too and I am so excited about it! We're wrapping up our busy season at work and I think that has definitely helped. I hope you keep getting decent sleep!

  2. I still need to do my week 19 bumpdate, I'm such a slacker! One more week till we find out if the little one is a boy or girl. I'm anxious for my hubby to see the baby on the ultrasound next week since he hasn't been able to come to many appointments.

  3. Are you exercising at all? I haven't been and I feel really bad about that. I was hoping to exercise (walk) every day through the pregnancy to help w/ weight gain and the size of the baby. So far, nada. :( Failure! LOL! Both of my boys weighed in at 9.1, was hoping for a 7lb-er this time. My odds aren't good. :)

    You look great, btw!

  4. Sorry I left you for 6 weeks but it is for the best reason :) Just think you will be home with Harper for the holidays while I am stuck at work alone!
