Aug 5, 2013

10 going on 15

Can we talk about my kids for a minute?
This blog is, after all, about raising these Steppe Sisters of mine.

And after three VERY long and very relaxing weeks, K&A finally came home on Friday.
But they didn't come home as little kids.
They came home a foot taller, acting like pre-teens, and still arguing like 4 year olds.

It's gonna take me awhile to get back in Mommy mode.

First thing Friday, I took Alex to get her physical for cheerleading.

She seemed so grown up at the doctor's office....I didn't like that.

But I really had a rude awakening when the doctor asked me if she had started her period yet.
Ummm, do what?!
My baby is too young for that, shut your mouth doctor!
And then I started to freak out.
Holy cow.
Isn't 5th grade too young?
I most certainly wasn't that young....
So I did what any girl would do.
I text my friends to ask them when they started.
And of course, one of them answered 5th grade.
Holy cow again.

I'm not ready for that.
I'm not ready for girls that are growing up.
Of course I will love it for them to mature just a tiny bit so that I don't have to play referee on a daily basis. But I'm not THAT ready.

I'm pretty sure FH isn't ready to live with 3 hormonal women either.
Poor guy.

So after that question and my mini freakout, the doc continued the physical.
It was all fine and dandy until she told me she had a list of questions that she asks all athletes.
Go for it Doc.

First up, do you ever feel sad, lonely, or depressed?
A said "sad, sometimes" and my mouth dropped to the ground.
What?! That can't be.

Please note, I later asked her why she answered this way and she said she feels sad when bad things happen, like recently when our cousin died in a car wreck.
Ok, I'll take that. Everyone gets sad when sad stuff happens.

Next up, have you ever tried drugs or alcohol?
She immediately looked and me and tried not to laugh.
I mean, she is 10 after all so she found this question pretty funny.

And finally, have you taken any performane enhancing drugs?
Really? Do you really think my 10 year old is shooting up some steroids for cheerleading?
This one kind of made me laugh...and obviously A had no idea what it meant.

To sum it up, physicals are interesting....and eye-opening.

The rest of the weekend included way too many "adult-like" questions.
Including, but not limited to, comments such as It's not fair that boys don't have a period, but girls do.
I couldn't agree more.

And 5th grade starts this week.
I'm just not ready for it.
I'm in denial that my babies are growing up.
I'm also in that stage of feeling bad for everything I put my Mom through while I was a teenager.
It's horrible knowing that you can do your absolute best raising them, but the rest is up to them.
You just have to trust that you raised them well enough to resist peer pressure, to make good decisions, and to stay away from boys until they are done with college.

I'm seriously considering locking them in the house until they are 20.
Don't worry, I'll let them have a few visitors.

And just so you know, they left yesterday for one final min-vacation before school starts on Friday.
Yes, their first day is Friday. Go ahead and tell me how dumb that is.
They will be back home for good on Wednesday though and ready to take on the school year.

I don't want summer time to end, but I'm excited for all that is to come with these big kids this year.

Just a few pickles for you, Mom.
Please note, K&A hardly ever take normal, smiling pics. They are GOOFY.

Cheers to a great summer.....and school starting means we are getting that much closer to little brother joining the group.

Happy Monday Y'all! Pin It Now!


  1. Oh lord... I am freaking because my daughter is turning 5. I don't even want to think what it is going to be like when she is 10!!!

    And I also started my period in 5th grade. But if it makes you feel any better it wasn't until May. So really it was more like 6th grade.

  2. Ughh... so far I've been able to avoid the 'my kids are growing too fast!' thoughts now that the school year is starting soon, but this post just did me in! This raising kids stuff isn't for the faint of heart!;) Emily is only a year younger than your girls so I won't be far behind in all the period talk... so.not.ready. Although having an older brother makes things interesting... he had 'puberty class' this year where he learned all kinds of things, which meant that Emily learned all those things too. Fun stuff!;)

  3. Don't play! You know you were giving her the 'roids to get that perfect toe touch. haha, too funny about those questions.

  4. Oh man. 5th grade is way too young for a period!! I think I started in 7th? Maybe 8th? Who even knows anymore. haha.

    At least FH will get a boy to even out the hormones soon!!!!

    Your girls are so silly. I love their pictures.

  5. Oh man...I am not ready for all that either. We are just one grade behind your girls too.

    The period talk? No way am I ready for that. But I was in 6th grade so it really isn't all that far off.

    Starting school on Friday? call me weird but I kinda dig that. Go one day off for 2 more. Just to get ya in the mood I guess!

  6. I remember the puberty videos in 4th grade and thinking how great that will be - good greif I was WRONG! I wish they wouldn't sugarcoat getting your period, sure it's exciting to "become a woman" but it's not all sunshine and roses.

    And why on earth would school start Friday? Most places in Ohio start on Wednesday which I also think is dumb and right before labor day so the kids get a 3 day weekend right off the bat.

  7. Ugh! I know exactly how you feel! Our oldest is 14, fully into puberty with the voice change, & the hair growing & all that other good stuff. Of course, he tells us every. single. detail. This is both good & bad. Our next oldest is turning 10 next month, also 5th grade. He has the worst BO!!! I have recently discovered that trying to get a 10 year old boy to scrub well and wear deodorant daily is next to impossible! Guess puberty is starting for him, too :0 I'm definitely not ready for it! Thank goodness we still have two 3rd graders and a 2 year old to keep us grounded in the kiddie stages.

    I don't envy school starting, we are so not ready for that. Still making the most of our last 3 weeks! On a Friday, no less? That's kinda weird!

  8. I got my period in 5th grade...I know a few of my friends did as well.

    Friday is so weird to start school...couldn't they just wait until Monday?

  9. UM thanks. I'm over here fretting about my daughter starting 3 year old preschool and now I'm flat out melting down. I can't do this. Periods. Boys. I am going to lock her up!!

  10. I can't handle people talking about their kids growing up these days - pregnancy hormones! Makes me ugly cry! :) I was in 9th grade btw so theres hope that u have yrs before having to buy extra tampons and pads!

  11. Cheerleading?!#thatswhywearepopular

  12. yeah...periods do happen in 5th grade! Mind didn't but you know who's did! I am more paranoid and worried about this middle school thing than she will ever be. She's just worried about having a locker with a lock!
