Aug 21, 2013

Fat Girl Wednesday

aka Tummy Tuesday #12
So I'm a little behind.
It could be worse.
How far along? 21 weeks.

I'm pretty sure my bump got bigger this week.
In fact, everything on me has gotten bigger.
Except for my bladder, unfortunately.
My hair is even out of control long.

Sleep? It's been pretty decent this week. I've stopped taking daily
naps so I know that's helped. I'm not as exhausted 24/7 like I was before.

Best moment this week? Starting on the nursery! It's so exciting that it's
slowly coming together. And I'm proud that we have started on it so early.
I want to get it completed so that we can focus on other things before baby
gets here.

Miss anything? Being independent. I hate asking people to help me
do things. Like pick something up for me or carry something heavy.
I'll be so glad when I am back to normal.

Movement? Yes. The girls and FH still haven't felt him but hopefully
that will happen soon. :)

Size of the baby? a spaghetti squash. 8 in, 1 lbs. I'm so excited that he
is finally (estimated) to be one whole lb!

Food cravings? Nothing special this week. I'm trying so hard to control
my's not easy!!

Gender? Boy.

Bed rest? Nope. Although some days when I'm at work, I long for bed rest....
knock on wood. I have been there, done that and it's not pretty.

Limitations? Not being able to help paint the nursery was extremely
annoying to me. I love to paint and having to sit in another room so I
could breathe something other than paint fumes was not a fun limitation!

Pregnancy Symptoms? Nothing new, nothing horrible. I miss seeing
my feet. My swelling has definitely gone down a good bit. I'm glad I'm
not at a constant swollen status. It comes and it goes and when it's here,
it's miserable. So I'm grateful for the occasional relief.

Looking forward to? Seeing the nursery once complete. Our ultrasound
next Tuesday. We go on vacation next Friday and I'm praying that I have
non-fat feet during that weekend. Oh and this might sound crazy, but I'm
really looking forward to the yard sale I'm going to have this weekend.
I need to get rid of some stuff so we have more room in the house...and
I have no reason to hold on to little girl clothes anymore.

I'm gonna be honest and tell you that I have had a tough time this week.
I feel like every other day someone makes a comment on how huge this
baby is going to be or how I look like I am due next week. It's hurtful.
It's not nice. I think most people don't have bad intentions with these
comments, but it doesn't make it any better. I'm so grateful to have this
bump, no matter how huge it is. I'm grateful that I have a healthy baby
growing inside of me, no matter how uncomfortable it makes me. But
I'm also not responsible for smacking people if they keep making comments.
And when out in public from now on, I swear I'm just going to start telling
people that I'm due in like October or something so I don't have to deal.
That, and I'm working up the courage to come back with a "and when are
YOU due??" just so some women can realize they should be nice. :)

Happy Hump Day Friends!

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  1. Ugh, comments from people I have found are the worst part of being pregnant. My own mother likes to talk about my butt getting big, sorry mom I got big hips from YOUR side of the family!

    I don't think others realize how sensitive pregnant women are and that everyone's body is different!

  2. I love your bump and I personaly think that the bigger bump the cuter it is!!!!

  3. People are so rude! You are adorable and who cares? You have a healthy baby and MANY women (we were one of them a short couple of months ago) would kill to have that bump. Wear it proudly, mama! Also, any girl stuff you want to send my way... I won't send away! haha! Considering I will now have 2 little princesses! :) Also, Hazel told me this morning that she wanted me to have another baby when Ellie is out and that she wants it to be a girl too so that she can have 2 sisters.... Soooooo apparently I'll be having a third girl! hahahahah!

  4. As usual, I think you look gorgeous. You're glowing. Your hair is fantastic. And really the only person you need to worry about it the doctor. If she/he worries for your health or the baby's, then that's when you worry. All these other folks can kick rocks.

  5. This baby is such a huge gift!! It is hurtful when people make those comments. Your baby is healthy! And besides that, your hair is fan-freaking-tastic.

  6. I am already thinking I look big for 14 weeks and am planning a comeback for the first idiot who makes a rude comment. I don't want to be mean but I want them to know they are rude and I don't deserve that. Also, you are the same size I was with both of my boys at that stage, no shame in carrying 'bigger' than others. At least you have a belly to rub! I look at some other gals who are pregnant, about 6 months and you can barely tell! I want to look pregnant! I want people to jump up and offer me their seat! Try not to get too down, and just once smart off back at someone -- it'll make me you smile to yourself later. :)

    Now, tell me about bed rest. How dumb is it that I don't really know what it means. Does it mean you are laying down in bed the whole time? Or can you sit up in a chair and in the car? Can you move around some or not at all except for the bathroom?

    Happy 21st week!

  7. I agree comments about your weight or size are NOT appropriate! Why do people feel like its ok to say things to you about your weight when you're pregnant? Would they make those comments to a non-pregnant person? Nope. Idiots! I'm 8 months pregnant and I stil get, "Oh my you're really pregnant!" SHUT UP! I feel your pain lady.

  8. omg please please please ask someone when they are due. But make sure I am around to see that!

  9. I think you look adorable! I would just tell people to suck it!
