Jul 10, 2013

Tummy Tuesday #6

First off, blogger is messed up under Internet explorer.....or maybe it's just me.
So this blog is coming to you via my phone, I'm not responsible for how bad it looks!
Not to mention it's Wednesday...
How far along? 15 weeks

Holy baby belly! I know, it's huge.
Sleep? What's that? I'm not getting much of it lately. I just can't get comfortable....and please don't tell me it's only going to get worse. I'm very aware.
Maternity clothes? Duh.
Best moment this week? Finding out the gender yesterday....
Miss anything? Feeling cute. I had a mini breakdown on my bday on Monday....which ended in tears. I told fh that I just wanted to feel good and look good on my bday.....and he quickly reminded me that all I wanted last year for my bday was a baby. That snapped me out of my funk real quick because he was so right!!
Movement? None.
Size of baby? An avocado (yum!)
Food cravings? Ice cream. That's about it.
Morning sickness? This morning was the first time I felt sick in awhile. Not cool.
Gender? It's a boy!!!! We are so excited!!
Bed rest? No. Thank goodness, momma has to work!
Limitations? Getting to where I can't walk very fast, I swear you'd think I was 14 months pregnant!
Pregnancy symptoms? Yes! Google has diagnosed me with round ligament pain and it's awful. My side is killing me. Did anyone else experience this? It kills to cough and take a deep breath, which leads me to always feel short on breath. Needless to say, I won't be running any half marathons this pregnancy....and the worst thing is, it could last the entire pregnancy. Ughhhh.
Wedding rings? Still on.
Looking forward to? Venturing into a place I've never been before.....the little boys' clothing section. :)
That's all for now. Blogging from my phone is no fun!
PS you know how I nicknamed FH on like our second date? Well around that time, I also named our unborn child. This baby has had a name for a loooong time. Harper. FH's middle name. I can only hope that he is half the man that his father is. I can't wait to be a boy mom!!
(I'm sure he will forever be nicknamed #Louie though) :)

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  1. Boys are great!! Congrats!!! P.S. You look BEAUTIFUL!!! ❤

  2. Congrats! Boys are so much fun!

  3. Yay! Congratulations! And i love the name :)

  4. Omg, do you know how shocked I am that you just announced the gender on your blog, lol. I thought you were going to keep it a secret for a while and make everyone else just as crazy as you made me and LA for two day, haha!! Yay for boy stuff. Now time for a big yard sale, lol.

  5. Congratulations! Boys are so much easier than girls!! Love the name!

  6. I cried!!! I can't believe its a boy!!!!!!!!!!!!

    So happy! Love the name!

    Made. My. Day.

  7. Congratulations! Boys are Fun and easier than girls! I Love the name also!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Congrats on the baby boy!!! I'll have to tell you about the "Harper" story on my end. Love the name! :)

  10. A boy!??!!? Yay! So much fun! I love love love having my little boy, you are going to love it as well! So happy for you!!

  11. Awesome awesome awesome!!! LOVE the name! And just like you have a special relationship with your girls, there will be an equally special relationship with your son... the love and bond between a mom and her son is amazing! <3 So happy for you!

  12. Yay!!! So fun!!! So happy for you and your family!!!

  13. CONGRATS!! Boys are so fun! They are such little lovers. My son is 8 and still takes time out from playing to just come and hug/kiss me and tell me how much he loves me. It is the best! My daughter, she pretty much shakes my hand...lol! Your girls are going to LOVE having a baby brother! :)

  14. I am SO excited you are going to get to experience raising a boy! They are totally different then girls...totally! Think low maintenance and laid back, well that's my experience anyway. Yay! A boy! A boy! A boy!


  15. Harper is such a cute name! Congrats on your little man. :)

  16. Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, you have a boy! And a name! I'm so excited for you!!!

  17. 1. I am pissed I found out you are having a boy through a blog post.
    2. Even more pissed that his name is not Louie.
    3. Not pissed enough to come to Memphis for a shower and some cake.
    4. I still love your tanned face.

  18. You look so cute, jealous of your bump!!! We just found out we are having a boy too!! I'm 13 weeks :)

  19. YAYYY!! Congrats on a boy!
    And I love the name! Gonna do it as his first or middle name?

  20. I'm totally late on reading this post, but YAY!!!!!! Being a mom to a boy is so much fun...love the name Harper :)

  21. I'm alll about the ice cream! :)
