Jul 17, 2013

Life Lately

I feel like all I have blogged about lately are my Tummy Tuesday posts....which is lame if you aren't interested in a baby bump.

So, let's talk about life lately. Please don't expect anything exciting.

1. K&A are away at summer camp.

Kate called me the first night to give me the address so that I could send mail....to say she was having a blast is an extreme understatement. I couldn't even understand her she was so excited and talking 90 miles an hour. I'm hoping this trip to camp will help them learn to be a little more independent. You see the thing about K&A is, they will go anywhere without me and survive just fine. A weeklong vacation with their grandparents that they only see a couple of times a year? No problem. They are just fine....but get them back home and suddenly they turn back into 2 year olds that need help with everything. Since our house will be growing come December, I'm trying to get them to be more independent and less whiny. And hey, if summer camp doesn't do that for them, at least they are making millions of memories.

Some of my best memories are from summer camp....and there was no IG/cell phones to keep up with the friends made so I can't imagine how much fun it will be now that you can stay in touch with your new friends. I just hope they don't come home with any new boy's number.

2. Work.

From now through September, I am working only Monday through Thursday...no more Fridays for me. Which sounds great and all....until you realize that I won't be getting paid to be off those days. I work for the government and we are being furloughed, which basically means they are trying to save money so they are cutting back. Not cool. Don't get me wrong, I love working only 4 days a week, but I'm about to have a baby.....it's not exactly the perfect time to cut back on my hours.

3. Gossip Girl.

I'm obsessed with watching this on Netflix lately. Sad, I know. But I'm obsessed and there's like a million episodes.

4. Now that I know I am having a boy, I NEED to have a yard sale.

But since I just got finished tagging 5 million items for our school uniform consignment sale, I just can't get motivated. I have tons of great girl clothes and other stuff for a yard sale, I just need someone to come do it for me, mmmkay?

5. Vacation.

It's really difficult to schedule a vacation when you are trying to save up all your vacation time for maternity leave. Yes, you read that correctly, my work doesn't provide maternity leave. You just have to use your vacation time...which is awful for me. It is well known that I love to leave work early for no reason at all, so I don't exactly have much time saved up. We are going to Nashville Shores at the end of August and I can't wait! Granted, this is a water park. And I'll probably be the whale that is there. I know I will be hot and prob not have tons of fun...but FH is prepared to act like a kid with K&A and if I get too hot then I am heading to the outlet malls. What more could a girl ask for?? It's hard to be so ready for vacation, but not want it to get here because it would mean the end of summer....

That's all I got for now....like I said, nothing exciting.
I feel like pregnancy is making me boring, but I'm just sitting here, growing a human...what have you done today?? :)

Happy HumpDay (It's my Thursday) Y'all! Pin It Now!


  1. I can't believe y'all don't get maternity leave. Boo! Well y'all definitely deserve a little vacation. And I was so sad when Gossip Girl ended this year. ; (

  2. I thought it was the law that you get maternity leave... boo for that! How much time will you be taking, do you know yet?

    So glad to hear the girls are enjoying camp... you know my brain has been so wrapped up in summer camp these last few weeks too!

  3. How does a GOVERNMENT job not provide maternity leave. I thought they were the ones that mandated that kind of stuff. I am not getting over this....

  4. FU Government... First Furlough and then no paid leave?!?! That blows. Sorry girlie!

  5. We don't get maternity leave either and it sucks big donkey peckers! I have yard sale shit, too and NO time to throw it together... Growing a human is a pretty big deal ;)

  6. I super heart love Gossip Girl!!! Chuck is a new kind of sexy!

  7. Hey I couldn't get your IG link to work... will you email me your username please??

  8. I work for the govt too so I feel your pain about no maternity leave. That is so ridiculous if you ask me!

  9. No maternity leave is BS...way to set a good example, gov't. I have so much crap that I would love to sell at a yard sale, but it will have to wait until post baby #2 (that doesn't exist yet).
