Until then, you are stuck with only Tummy Tuesday posts...even if they pop up every now and again on the wrong day. I guess you all know now why I will more than likely NEVER have sponsors on this here blog. Just not happenin'.
How far along? 18 weeks
I honestly feel like time is flying by. I have mixed feelings about this. Mainly because being pregnant is kinda miserable for me. But at the same time, I am trying to enjoy it all because I am 99.9% sure this is the last time I will have a bun in my oven.
Sleep? I'm gonna go ahead and risk sounding like a whiny baby and tell you that my sleep is AWFUL. I can't get comfortable. My entire left side from my waist down falls asleep on me. It takes me like 15 minutes to roll over. I get up to go to the bathroom at least 3 times a night. I would never EVER encourage teenage pregnancy, but I can tell you that being pregnant is SO MUCH easier when you are young. I had 2 babies in my belly last time and I dont remember having half as much trouble as I do now....or maybe it was just so long ago that I don't remember. Either way...
Best moment this week? Hearing Baby Harper's heartbeat. My doctor moved to a new office and her ultrasound machine isn't in yet. I was really looking forward to seeing the baby, but I'm just glad she found the heartbeat. Every time she gets out that little doppler thing, it makes me nervous that she won't find it. I was told that he is VERY active as she had a hard time counting his heartbeats because he kept moving away from her.
Miss anything? Sleep. Not waking up with a headache. Wearing heels.
Movement? Yes, finally. But it happens so quickly that I doubt myself and wonder if that's what I really felt. After finding out that he is really active though, I'm pretty positive that's what I'm feeling.
Size of the baby? a mango. around 6 inches, 0.5 lbs
Food cravings? Pizza and ice cream mainly.
Gender? Boy
Bed rest? No
Limitations? I can't wear any shoes anymore except for my tennis shoes. Even my flip flops leave a mark on my feet. It's gonna be a LONG rest of the year since I'm already swollen.....
Pregnancy Symptoms? Swollen feet.
Wedding rings? still on.
Looking forward to? Getting K&A back this weekend. It has been a long summer without them. I miss those little Steppe Sisters!! :)
Hope everyone is having an awesome week! Can't believe school starts back next week...and that I will have two 5th graders!!! Slow down time! Pin It Now!