May 23, 2013

Ode to Spring River

Every year we go to Spring River.
You can read about last year's trip here
It's my ABSOLUTE favorite thing to do.
Even if we have to walk a mile to go to the bathroom.
I should lose 14 lbs making so many trips this year.

In honor of my favorite time, I have written a really freaking lame poem. Enjoy. :)

It's that time again, my favorite time of the year.
Time to go to Spring River for a sunburn and some beer.

Not this year you say? I can't because I'm knocked up?
You lost your mind...I'll be the sober one putting up with all their stuff.

It'll be me, FH, and our favorite couple....the fantastic four, if you will.
Us and thousands of drunk college kids, sounds like a thrill.

The boys will be boys just like last year, partying and actin' a fool,
as if it's spring break when they are too old for school.

Us girls will do all the planning, but don't expect us to cook,
we will be on vacation so don't judge even if we pull out a book.

Maybe last year, we made fun of the pregnant girl that was there,
but I won't be drinking so surely people won't stare.

Every year that we go, the people get younger,
we can't help that we are old and still have that Spring River hunger.

Memories will be made and laughs will be flowing,
I'm hoping no one notices that my belly is growing.

Cheers to the laughter.
Cheers to the memories.
Cheers to best friends that plan trips years in advance.
Cheers to my favorite couple for just being our favorite.
Cheers to me not losing my mind in the heat.
Cheers to a 3 day weekend spent on the water.
Cheers to all this cheers'in.

I can't wait!!!!!
Hope everyone has a GREAT holiday weekend.
I know I plan on it.
PS, yes I still have to work tomorrow. I'm just pretending like I don't.
#fakeittilyoumakeit Pin It Now!


  1. Love! Now you have to write one when we get back! Oh, the stories. Lol
