May 10, 2013

Mother's Day

Let me just start out by saying that I propose that we should make Mother's Day an entire week.
We deserve way more than a day.

Let me also say that my life was threatened today if I didn't blog.
Yes, I'm alive.
Yes, I've been way too busy at work.
And yes, I'm blogging today so that Meredith doesn't get Memphis on me. Cause I recently witnessed that on IG.

I also would like to propose something else- accountants should get off all summer like teachers do.
Simply because I need a summer break.

In honor of Mother's Day, I would like to tell you all what I want for this special day. Because I know you all need my address so you can send me gifts.

For Mother's Day I wanted.....

....skinny legs

.....jeans that fit

.....a week long vacation to the beach

.....a house that cleans itself that never argue

.....and also kids that LOVE to take baths and wash their hair

Please tell me my kids are not the only girls in the world who despise baths?! It is freaking killing me. peace be a stay-at-home-mom win the lottery

......FH to be a stay-at-home-husband because I hate when he leaves me at night

.....the most amazing body pillow you have ever seen for just about $5

.....all of my friends to come work with me so we can visit more

......for some amazing teenager to come babysit everyday this summer for free so I don't have to send the girls to a camp they don't want to go to

.....a baby less chin

......fat free chocolate

I think that's about it. That do-able, right?

Even though I wanted all of those things, guess what I got?
Yes, I know, it's early. My kids were anxious.

First off, I got these homemade posters with candy and a giftcard.
Which I love.
If you know me, you know I HATE store bought cards.
I would much rather you make me something.

And then, last night, a miracle happened.
I'm still in shock.

You see, I was feeling awful.
Like I need to go to bed at 8:00 awful.
But FH had to leave for work at 8 because people send 10,987,357 shipments during Mother's Day week.
He made the girls promise they would go to bed at 8:45 on their own.
He let them have 15 extra minutes than normal in exchange for some responsibility. The man is a godsend, I tell ya.

Well, I got up at 8:45.
Figuring the girls would still be watching TV on the ipad.
Alex was up locking the door and making sure the garage door was closed. Making sure all of the lights were turned off.
Kate was already in bed.

Best. Kids. Ever.

And they both gave me kisses and hugs and were the sweetest little angels ever.

It's nice to know that when I really need them to be good, they can pull it outta nowhere and be responsible, good little girls.

Of course, I was smacked in the face this morning with a dose of reality when they argued the entire way to school.

But that one night of peace should last me awhile.

Hope everyone had a great week!
I'll be back Monday with some exciting news. :)
Happy Friday Friends! Pin It Now!


  1. My daughter is also terrible about bathing/showering! It's always a whiny bitchfest to get her in there. Glad you had one night of peace - let's hope it stretches out all weekend! Happy Mother's Day pretty lady! xo

  2. YAY! Thank you.

    And your girls are very sweet. and I wish I could go to bed at 8pm every night. Sometimes I actually do.

    And I am pretty sure NOBODY wants to see me "get Memphis" on someone but if the time comes? I am willing and able.

  3. Love the sweet cards! And yea, I don't know what it is about the shower but B will do anything to get out of it. I just don't get it. Of course in a few years the shower won't be the problem. She will be taking hours in the bathroom doing hair and make up so I guess it's a trade off.

  4. Sweet cards and I love it with the kids unexpectedly behave. Although it makes me wonder what they are up to! Happy Mother's Weekend.

  5. Ummmm ya last night Kevin said... Where's Shelby is she STILL in the shower. Sure shitting 25 minutes later and the kid was still in the shower, sitting on the shower floor just letting the water hit her. Hadn't even washed yet! Child gives me more grey hairs than I care to count! Happy Mother's Week Mama!

  6. What cute gifts!! I already got my gift as well. My daughter made me a pencil holder at preschool. It's the best present EVER!!!!

    I already got my mother's day/birthday present from my husband. So the only other thing I will be getting this weekend is dinner out and I am sleeping in on Sunday. That in itself is all the present I need!

  7. Happy Early Mother's Day!! Can't wait for the exciting news on Monday! :)

  8. I love the cards!!! Candy!! I hope you get some rest for Mother's Day!

  9. LOL love you! I wanted all those same things so we will see :-)
