May 30, 2013

Random Thursday Thoughts

Just some randoms....

1. I get the mom of the year award today. Both kids were hungry this morning. That's fine, we have tons of breakfast stuff. One ate something, end of story. The other cried because she wanted doughnuts. But we didn't have time to stop for doughnuts. And then at the last second, she went to grab a poptart, but we were breakfast. I am trying to get it in their heads that you don't wait to the last minute, you don't whine to get what you want, and you don't always get your way. And now I feel like a horrible mom because I know they don't serve breakfast at summer camp until late. I feel like I should torture myself and not let myself eat just to be fair. But then again, I didn't whine this morning and I picked out something that we had. Not to mention, I don't think the baby would appreciate me starving.

2. I have an overwhelming fear that I am going to go to the doctor on Tuesday for another ultrasound and they are going to say "Surprise, it's twins! The second baby was hiding last time!" And then I will pass out. And so will FH.

3. My clothes are too tight. Which is ridiculous because I am not far along enough for my clothes to be too tight already. So it's embarassing. And I want to cry every morning. I can't wait until I reach the time when I am "suppose to show". But I know that when it's your second pregnancy, you show sooner. Can I help it that my body remembers having twins and my belly wanted to poke out at like 8 weeks??

4. I need money to grow on trees. And for my husband to quit his job. I want to go a million places this summer since it's the last time we will be a family of 4, but FH works friday nights which makes it really impossible to go out of town for the weekend.

5. My housenote went up. Which is stupid. And now I feel like I am getting robbed. Even if it's only $50, it feels like a million since no one asked me if I was okay with this. As if that would ever happen.

6. I want to nap at my desk. Every. Single. Day.

7. Big Brother starts back up in June. You should know that I am obsessed with that show! If I were 21 and single, I would so be on that show. Me, Kimmy, and Holly. Best alliance ever.

8. Every time I am sitting at work and my back hurts, I go read this blog. And then realize that I am being a total wimp. PS could someone order me that shirt she is wearing? I need it immediately.

9. If you go camping and you have on pants and a sweatshirt, you still need bug spray on you. Trust me on this one. Mosquitoes like how I taste.

10. I am so behind on reading blogs.....well, more like commenting on them. But I am reading. So if you haven't heard from me in a long time, I still love you. I'm just being more of a silent stalker these days.

That's all I got.
I hate short weeks because they always feel sooooo long.
Happy Thursday!!!
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May 29, 2013

Spring River Recap

Remember me?
I'm such a blog failure lately, but I am just exhausted.
Maybe it's because I'm 10 years older than I was the first go around,
or maybe it's something else.
But either way, I am extremely exhausted.

Oh and remember that time I blogged and like no one read it?
Haha, well it was a lame post, it happens.

But for memory's sake, I need to do a Spring River recap.

Friday night we were late getting there because of babysitter problems.
So once we got there, we grilled out, ate, hung out, and then went to bed. Well, some of us went to bed. Some of us stayed up way too late and got in trouble. I won't mention any names. #notFH

Saturday was float day.
We float about 8 miles down the river.
And we never really paddle so it takes all day.
And then the last spot you go to is a HUGE party spot, so we stay there for a long time.
Thank the Lord it was cool on Saturday or I wouldn't have made it.
Did I mention that I am pregnant??
I only had one moment.
The sun was beaming down, I was totally over it.
My back was hurting from sitting on that raft all day.
And no one was understanding it.
I cried. Like a baby.
I just needed everyone to understand that I needed to MOVE.
And get in the shade.
Luckily my friends are nice even when they are intoxicated.
Even if I had to cry to get them to realize it.
So they quickly got us moved and now we are laughing about it.
Please note: It totally wasn't funny at the time.

**believe it or not, I went the entire day without my phone so these are the only pics I took**

Sunday, it was HOT.
I mean sun beaming down on us at 9 AM kinda hot.
I cried Uncle.
I just couldn't do it.
So I stayed at the cabin all day and slept for seriously like 10 hours.
And I needed it.

Sunday night, we made a Taco Bell run.
Which was amazing.
Normally we can never leave the camp site, but with a sober pregnant girl in the group, you automatically have a driver.
And we went through a roadblock.
And had nothing to hide.
You know you have been camping for a few days when the Taco Bell bathroom seems clean to you.

Monday morning we were up by 6:30 and home by 10.

It was a super fun trip but I couldn't tell you how excited I was to be back home.

653 trips to the bathroom.
8 miles down the river breaking my back sitting on a raft.
492 underage kids that made me feel old.
1 girl asked if the pregnant girl got drunk.
14 cops in a roadblock.
10 hours of daytime sleep on a crappy bed that had a pee cover on it.
1 crying session.
4 best friends for life.

Can't wait til next year......who wants to babysit??

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May 23, 2013

Ode to Spring River

Every year we go to Spring River.
You can read about last year's trip here
It's my ABSOLUTE favorite thing to do.
Even if we have to walk a mile to go to the bathroom.
I should lose 14 lbs making so many trips this year.

In honor of my favorite time, I have written a really freaking lame poem. Enjoy. :)

It's that time again, my favorite time of the year.
Time to go to Spring River for a sunburn and some beer.

Not this year you say? I can't because I'm knocked up?
You lost your mind...I'll be the sober one putting up with all their stuff.

It'll be me, FH, and our favorite couple....the fantastic four, if you will.
Us and thousands of drunk college kids, sounds like a thrill.

The boys will be boys just like last year, partying and actin' a fool,
as if it's spring break when they are too old for school.

Us girls will do all the planning, but don't expect us to cook,
we will be on vacation so don't judge even if we pull out a book.

Maybe last year, we made fun of the pregnant girl that was there,
but I won't be drinking so surely people won't stare.

Every year that we go, the people get younger,
we can't help that we are old and still have that Spring River hunger.

Memories will be made and laughs will be flowing,
I'm hoping no one notices that my belly is growing.

Cheers to the laughter.
Cheers to the memories.
Cheers to best friends that plan trips years in advance.
Cheers to my favorite couple for just being our favorite.
Cheers to me not losing my mind in the heat.
Cheers to a 3 day weekend spent on the water.
Cheers to all this cheers'in.

I can't wait!!!!!
Hope everyone has a GREAT holiday weekend.
I know I plan on it.
PS, yes I still have to work tomorrow. I'm just pretending like I don't.
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May 21, 2013


I have been mystified by life lately.

I'm pretty sure it has a lot to do with the fact that over the last 8 weeks, a child has grown from the size of a poppy seed to a small kidney bean inside my stomach.

When I was pregnant with Kate and Alex, I wasn't mystified.
Maybe it's because I was too young.
And I was more freaked out about how my life was changing than about the miracles that were growing inside me.

This time around, I realize every single step is a HUGE miracle.

With all this thinking about life, it's made me appreciate mine more.
All the blessings that I have.

And then, Saturday night happened.

My 23 year old cousin died in a car wreck.
One minute he was there, the next minute he drove into a tree.
Changing so many lives forever.

You don't ever think it will happen to someone you know.
You always think that you have plenty of time to love on your loved ones.

We weren't very close at all.
You know how it is with cousins.
You grow up, you grow apart.
But he was still family and seeing my family hurt because of this is awful.

And then the storms in Oklahoma happened yesterday.
And children died at their schools.
I can NOT imagine the hopeless feelings of parents knowing that their kids' school was hit. How helpless and lost.

Today I appreciate the tiny little bun in my oven.
The kids that are able to attend their last day of 4th grade today.
The husband safe at home in bed after a long night of work.
And a God that loves us even when we don't understand.

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May 15, 2013

Never Say Never

10 things I will Never Do (within the Next 9 Months)

1. Be a cute tiny pregnant girl. Nope, not me. I'm only 7 weeks and I already feel like a blimp. I get pregnant in my ankles, my neck, my thighs. You name it, it will be swollen and look pregnant.
See also: sausage link fingers.

2. Run while pregnant. I had big hopes on this one. But it doesn't seem to be happening. I get tired going to the grocery store. I feel like I deserve a marathon medal when I walk one mile. I'm hoping when I get more energy in the second trimester that I can maybe do a fat girl jog for a solid minute or two.

3. Sleep well. I'm a back sleeper. Or a stomach sleeper. Never have I ever been a side sleeper. This will be the death of me. {Side note: Can I put an oxygen mask on my baby registery? I'm gonna need one and I can't imagine that they are cheap.}

4. Like shopping. Shopping is depressing now. "Oh look at that cute dress on sale!" "Oh wait, it will probably only fit me for another month or so." #depressing Yes, there are cute pregnancy clothes out there, but seriously, I don't want to spend money on clothes I'm going to wear for only 9 months.

5. Drink a red bull. Y'all, I love caffeine. Red Bull, Sweet Tea, and Diet DP are my staples. I haven't had one tiny ounce of caffeine in over three weeks and it's not great. Of course the first week was miserable. It's getting better. But seriously, I am drooling just thinking about some sweet tea.

6. Like sitting at my desk. We got new chairs at work like 3 years ago. Everyone was so excited when we got them because they are like $800 special office chairs or something like that. I knew I hated them from the beginning. But, now, being pregnant, I despise them. I might bring in a huge bouncy ball to sit on while I work. And throw this chair out the window.

7. Take smoke breaks. Because I didn't even smoke before I was pregnant, but I will be taking walk breaks. I think I deserve it. If you get 14,783 breaks a day to go outside and smoke a cigarette, then me and this bun (in my oven) are going for 874 walks throughout the day so i don't go insane.

8. Have a maternity photo shoot. Please refer to #1 for explanation.

9. Like riding in a car. I get car sick. I'm so hot I am going to puke. And then 5 minutes later, I need a blanket. This was me BEFORE the bun. You can imagine me now. And I'm going on a roadtrip next weekend....who's excited?!

10. Take this time for granted. I'm a complainer, obviously. But I know there is a miracle growing in my stomach. I feel blessed because of this. So when my jeans don't button, and my chin triples, and my ankles become cankles, I won't forget how badly I wanted this. I am so happy to have these "problems". :)

Happy Hump Day everybody. I'm off to take my smoke break. Pin It Now!

May 14, 2013

A Christmas Surprise

Ok, so now we all know why this little blog will more than likely never have sponsors.
If I don't feel like blogging, I don't.
If I don't have anything to say, I don't say anything.
If I feel like a big fat liar blogger for not telling you all the truth, I stay off the internet.

I'd like to start out by saying that this little bit of information will not be on social media for awhile.
I've gone back and forth on whether or not I should share on here.
But the truth is, this is my blog.
I started this thing to tell about our lives, so my kids can go back and read one day.
Youngest child complex: my mom didn't even have a baby book for me.

With that being said.....

Don't worry, I'm still in shock myself.
And so was this guy:

Could he look any happier??

I'm due December 29.
Which tells you that I am 7 weeks along....way early to blab about it.
But it happens.
Especially when you tried really hard for those 2 lines to show up.
But now that they finally did, I'm scared to death of what could happen.
I'm older now, lots older than I was back when I had K&A in my belly. And lots smarter.
So I realize all the things that could go wrong.

But I decided to put it all out there on this blog, because let's be honest, if anything goes wrong, I'll need to blog about it.
And I'll need my blogger friends to make me smile.

So, there you have it.
My surprise.
The reason I haven't been running.
The reason I need a nap every 5 minutes.
The reason I am too tired even to update my IG.
And we ALL know that's a big deal for me.
The reason that I have been sick as a dog the last couple of days.
And the reason that I can't stop smiling.

I'll leave you with these two things:

1. If we are friends on facebook, please don't mention it on there. I mean, I'm sure none of you will, I'm just paranoid that someone is gonna do it without even realizing it. Cause I would so accidentally do that.

2. We just told K&A this past weekend. I could tell you they were excited. But it would help you get a better grasp of their excitement if you just watch this video:

Dangit, I'm blogger-retarded. I can't get it to upload.
But I think that if you go here, you can watch it.

Those girls are a mess.

Happy Tuesday Everybody!!! Pin It Now!

May 10, 2013

Mother's Day

Let me just start out by saying that I propose that we should make Mother's Day an entire week.
We deserve way more than a day.

Let me also say that my life was threatened today if I didn't blog.
Yes, I'm alive.
Yes, I've been way too busy at work.
And yes, I'm blogging today so that Meredith doesn't get Memphis on me. Cause I recently witnessed that on IG.

I also would like to propose something else- accountants should get off all summer like teachers do.
Simply because I need a summer break.

In honor of Mother's Day, I would like to tell you all what I want for this special day. Because I know you all need my address so you can send me gifts.

For Mother's Day I wanted.....

....skinny legs

.....jeans that fit

.....a week long vacation to the beach

.....a house that cleans itself that never argue

.....and also kids that LOVE to take baths and wash their hair

Please tell me my kids are not the only girls in the world who despise baths?! It is freaking killing me. peace be a stay-at-home-mom win the lottery

......FH to be a stay-at-home-husband because I hate when he leaves me at night

.....the most amazing body pillow you have ever seen for just about $5

.....all of my friends to come work with me so we can visit more

......for some amazing teenager to come babysit everyday this summer for free so I don't have to send the girls to a camp they don't want to go to

.....a baby less chin

......fat free chocolate

I think that's about it. That do-able, right?

Even though I wanted all of those things, guess what I got?
Yes, I know, it's early. My kids were anxious.

First off, I got these homemade posters with candy and a giftcard.
Which I love.
If you know me, you know I HATE store bought cards.
I would much rather you make me something.

And then, last night, a miracle happened.
I'm still in shock.

You see, I was feeling awful.
Like I need to go to bed at 8:00 awful.
But FH had to leave for work at 8 because people send 10,987,357 shipments during Mother's Day week.
He made the girls promise they would go to bed at 8:45 on their own.
He let them have 15 extra minutes than normal in exchange for some responsibility. The man is a godsend, I tell ya.

Well, I got up at 8:45.
Figuring the girls would still be watching TV on the ipad.
Alex was up locking the door and making sure the garage door was closed. Making sure all of the lights were turned off.
Kate was already in bed.

Best. Kids. Ever.

And they both gave me kisses and hugs and were the sweetest little angels ever.

It's nice to know that when I really need them to be good, they can pull it outta nowhere and be responsible, good little girls.

Of course, I was smacked in the face this morning with a dose of reality when they argued the entire way to school.

But that one night of peace should last me awhile.

Hope everyone had a great week!
I'll be back Monday with some exciting news. :)
Happy Friday Friends! Pin It Now!

May 2, 2013

25 Things About Me

I know you are all dying to know 25 random facts about me.
Or probably not at all.
So here they are.

1. I love bandwagons. Obviously.

2. I could eat at Buffalo Wild Wings

3. I love group texts.

4. I like to crack jokes during scary movies, so you probably might not want to go to the theater with me if you laugh loud.

5. I went to the same private school from K-12th grade and I loved every bit of it. My kids now go to school there.

6. I don't dress up. Like ever. I'm a tshirt and jeans gal all the way.

7. I go through at least 100 social emails every day, if not more.

8. I hate talking on the phone. Even at work, email me!

9. I really like to be in charge.

10. If we order pizza, and I go pick it up, expect me to eat at least one piece on the drive home. See also: I'm not patient.

11. I have been singing "Jesus Loves Me" to my kids for 10 years now and I actually cannot carry a tune to save my life. I'm wondering how old they will be when they realize that I can't sing and normal people couldn't fall asleep to that racket.

12. My mom is cooler than your mom.

13. I married my best friend almost one year ago. I waited my whole life for him and when I finally found him, he had a crush on my friend. Womp. Womp.

14. I get nervous about lots of things. I never realized this but I'm a very nervous person.

15. I am deathly afraid of cops. Even if I did nothing wrong, I'm scared and shaking.

16. I will gladly pack my bags and buy a new house if I see a mouse. Scared. To. Death. Ewww, just ewww.

17. White cheese dip makes me happy.

18. I just realized that I talk about food a lot. #fatkidproblems

19. Whenever I go out of town, I buy a tshirt.

20. My absolute favorite memories since childhood are at the lake or on the river. BUT I despise being in a swimsuit.

21. I'm scared of having another set of twins. Yes, twins are cute. But private school sure ain't (used only for emphasis) cheap.

22. I have dreams of all my favorite people living in one neighborhood. It would be the greatest thing ever.

23. I am LOUD. Like really loud. My kids get it honest.

24. Online shopping is one of my favorite hobbies.

25. I hate blog posts that don't have pictures, but I'm always in a hurry/too lazy to find any and post them. I post lots of pics on IG to make up for it though. :)

Hope everyone is having a great week.....Me? I'm just glad it's almost over! Happy Almost Friday!! Pin It Now!

May 1, 2013

So What?!

I'm swamped at work.
And not feeling very creative.
But I feel like a loser if I don't blog today.
So I decided to take the easy way out: a linkup.
So what......
....if I haven't blogged much lately. sometimes, I lose my mojo.
....if I have a secret that most of you don't know yet. I'll let you know about it soon, so make sure you don't forget about me just because I have been boring lately.
....if we bought new living room furniture when my kids really need new furniture in their rooms. The entire family spends time in the living room, right? So it's justified.
.....if I have been exahusted and lazy lately. I've been riding my bike some and walking some. That's something, right?
......if softball has taken over our lives. This week alone we have had softball on Monday, Tuesday, and tonight. Then another game on Friday and two games on Saturday.
......if I am still going to walk the Color Run on Saturday even though the girls have a softball game. I already paid for it, it is a fun, not even timed run, and some great girlfriends are doing it so we can gossip while we walk. Not to mention I can show up tie-dyed at the field after the race looking all fancy.
....if I signed Alex up for cheerleading and it cost....wait for it....almost $600. I would rather stab myself in the eye with a rusty fork than pay that much for cheerleading of all things. But it's time to face facts, I have a girly kid. She must have gotten it from her dad because I know she didn't get it from me.
.....if that's all I got for today. Work is piling up as we speak. Make it stop!
Hope everyone is having a GREAT week! I know I am. :)
Happy Hump Day!
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