Oct 5, 2012

It's Freakin' Friday Y'all!!

I'm leaving work in two hours. Holla!
Super excited to go shopping with my momma. Why? {you may ask}

My mom is the coolest mom ever.
Who else looks this freaking cute just to play in the snow?

**I may or may not have told my daughter to put her tongue on the pole like the kid in A Christmas Story....I said my mom was a great mom, not that I was....**

Or looks fashionable while shooting a bow and arrow?

Or meets one of my most favorite people in the whole wide world and sends their daughter a text to rub it in saying something along the lines of "eating lunch at Josh Pastner's house. nbd."
**for those of you who don't know, JP is the second love of my life. The coach of the University of Memphis basketball team. #gotigers Of course my first love is my handsome husband.

So, yeah, I'm pretty stoked about shopping with my momma. And you know that phrase "she get it from her momma"? Yeah, I didn't get her fashion sense, or her cute little figure. I'm pretty sure I got my dad's body type. #notcoolwhenyouareagirl

What else am I stoked about?
So glad that you asked.
I'm {hopefully} getting a new phone today.
My iphone is like a freaking 1G phone, like the first ever made. and just in case that wasn't bad enough, it's cracked in like 1,587,623 different places.
But it works. #praisetheLord {albeit slow}.
I am going to get a new service provider though and I'm afraid I'm going to lose ALL my pics from this phone so I have been scrolling through them reminiscing.
I found one that I just had to share.
I have put this on my blog before but it was back when I only had like four followers #likelastmonth
First, let me give you the story.
My daughter had on her school uniform and we were about to eat dinner. I told her she couldn't eat in her uniform. So being the lazy child that she is, she changed shirts, took off her skirt and just left her WHITE leggings on. If you are a mom then you know how impossible it is to keep any leggings clean, especially white ones.
So as we sat down at the dinner table, I insisted that she couldn't eat in her white leggings or she would ruin them. I walked into the kitchen to get something and came back to this:

Well, technically she did what I asked.
She took them off {mostly} and I about died laughing.

Cheers to smart kids.
At least she is creative.

Happy Friday lover faces!
Pin It Now!


  1. Hahaha, she is definitely creative!!!

  2. too funny. And the tongue on the pole-- I so would've done that, what's that say about me?

    Following ya now from the GFC hop. We're riding the wave of life at localsugarhawaii.com and I'd love for you to join us, AND... today we're hosting a team lead link up so please do come join us and grow, grow, grow with other sweet bloggers and creative souls.


  3. that is too funny - she is smart!!
