Oct 23, 2012

Calling Stacey and Clinton

I love days when I wear a tshirt and jeans to work. {which is like 75% of the time} It's not my fault they specifically told me business casual when I started working here......lots of people dress down like me.

Okay, well mainly because we have a lot of students, and I'm not exactly a student....but that's not the point, is it?

I particularly love when I come to work in a sweatshirt and jeans and then I remember I have a meeting that day. Hmmm. That stinks. But it's even worse when I walk into said meeting and realize it is not a teleconference with people all over the world like I previously thought.....but a VIDEO conference. Awesome.

I am counting the days until Stacy and Clinton show up at my office with my $5,000 giftcard. I will gladly spend their money, and I already know all the rules.

The only thing I would be worried about is the camera adding 10 lbs. Is that really true you think? I'm pretty sure that it adds like 20 lbs to me, and so does every single mirror that I look in. It's a conspiracy. Mirrors only really worked when I was in college and about 456 lbs lighter.

I'm sure the dysfunctional mirrors have nothing to do with desserts like this....

Nope. Not related at all.

You know what else I love?


In other words, writing everything down and pretending like lots of people care. Isn't that what blogging's all about? Thought so.

I love the blogging community. I have met so many people in this little online world. And by met, of course I mean stalked. Cause that's what it's all about. Taking facebook stalking to a whole new level.

And sharing secrets online. Cause if anyone can keep secrets, it's you. I know all my secrets stay between us......

So, tell me. What are you loving lately?

I'm linking up here, but for some reason I can't get the button to work....maybe I shouldn't love blogging so much cause apparently I'm not so great at the technical side.....
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  1. I SO want to have Stacey and Clinton come visit, but if they are coming to my work chances are they are after the leggings as pants, tunic that looks like a tshirt, socks with sandals, and top of head ponytail lady...darn. #beingoldisnoexcuseforwearingpajamastowork. And PS where is that yummy desert from??

  2. Newest follower here! I found you through the Tuesday blog hop! Cute blog, I can’t wait to read more!

  3. Hey Girl!!
    Just wanted to stop by and thank you for linking up Monday to The GFC Collective with Bre, Autumn and Myself!! We greatly appreciate it!!
    Mustache Mama
