Oct 18, 2012

I think I see a lot of Lawbreakers tonight

Magic Mike, you get me every time. And apparently, you have this effect on all the women. the advertisement for the DVD came on last night and my 9 year old said "oh, I'm gonna watch that movie"
me:"have you lost your mind? no you aren't. cause I'm hiding that movie once I buy it."

Guess what happened last night? Ya'll ain't gonna believe this shift.
{Husband hangs head in shame.} First thing that my husband said this morning was "Am I gonna be publically humilated on your blog today?" why yes, yes you are. #loveyou

So first off, let's start with one of my girls falling asleep at 7 last night. Hallelujah. We avoided the nightly bedtime struggle.
I was all in planning mode on how to figure out how to get the other one to bed early too #alonetimewiththehusband but then a tornado came. great timing weather man. I appreciate you informing us of dangerous weather and wanting to save our lives and all, but Survivor was on and I was a woman on a mission. A mission that failed since A was scared of the storm and couldn't fall asleep.

But the real fun #sarcasm part of the night was after FH left for work. About 20 minutes later, he called to tell me that there was a car parked outside by our house, that he apparently scared them off and then followed them around but they never left the neighborhood so he called the cops on the suspicious car but that I SHOULDN'T BE ALARMED. Ummm, okay, freaking out now. I'm home alone with two kids, I just watched a Zombie show the other night, and there was a strange car lirking outside my house. Did I mention ALL of the windows were open? ooo emmmm geeeee! needless to say I didn't sleep last night, but I'm still alive. No one came in the house to kill me. Although I am pretty sure it was probably a hilarious site to see me closing the windows. I felt like someone was going to reach through and grab me. And then I started thinking about how if I get kidnapped, who would update my facebook status and all that important jazz. I mean, I have stuff to do kidnappers, this is just not cool. Granted, I would have appreciated a day off work today, but come on, if you are going to kidnap me, do it on a monday, not this close to a weekend.

and just so you know, I TOTALLY appreciated my husband protecting me, I really do. I just informed him that next time, he can call the cops but please keep me in the dark. For real.

So happy that I'm here to blog and not in some dingy kidnapper's mom's basement trying to think of a way to get service on my iphone, silently cussing myself that I didn't ever upgrade my phone to the newest version, and wondering if I will finally lose weight since my kidnapper's probably won't feed me much. {And hoping that FH picks out a decent pic of me to put on the side of a milk caron}

Happy It's-Almost-Freaking-Friday Day! Pin It Now!


  1. You crack me up! Lol. Don't worry, I freak out about that stuff too! And magic mike mmmmm. Lets not even get started on that one. I would def be a lawbreaker that night.

  2. Funniest kidnapping story ever! haha That's good that FH pays such close attention to people in the neighborhood but yea, next time he can just keep you in the dark, lol. And Magic Mike!!! YAY I only wish it came out this week so I could give it to myself for my bday, haha

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. that is too funny. New follower here, love the blog!!

  5. that would scare me too! I am such a baby about stuff like that!
