Jan 30, 2011

Bacon, Pickles, and Ketchup...OH MY!!

Michael will eat just about anything. But I have learned that there are three things that you will NEVER find on his plate. I have also learned that if we go out to dinner and I want to take the leftovers home with me, I just need to add one of these items in the TO GO box and it will automatically be mine to keep! These three things are bacon, pickles, and ketchup. **I know what you are thinking....who doesn't like bacon, pickles, and ketchup??** Exactly what Kate, Alex, and I say! So, it has been an ongoing joke that if Michael ever makes me mad, I am going to eat pickles wrapped in bacon, dipper in ketchup! Alex thought this was hilarious....and Alex being, well, Alex, (aka Miss Piggy) she decided that she would eat Michael's worst nightmare. Tonight at Huey's, she successfully grossed him out.

I don't think that she liked it as much as she thought that she would like it! But I know that she enjoyed grossing Michael out. And we all had a big laugh! So, then of course, it was Kate's turn......

.....and she was a big fan!!

I am pretty sure this was our first time to eat at a restraunt together (besides CiCi's pizza, which is our normal favorite). We had a great time. Kate got 2 toothpicks stuck in the ceiling and Alex tried her hardest but she just couldn't get it to stick. She said we had to go back again so she could get hers up there and we could bring a marker to write on the walls!

The whole way home, the girls sang/screamed Justin Bieber songs.....I am always amazed at Michael's patience with them, but I was double impressed tonight that he didn't go bonkers. Those cute little sweet girls have some LOUD MOUTHS!!! I am not one to complain, because obviously they get it honest. I feel like the luckiest woman in the world to have a man who loves not only me, but my goofy children too....looking forward to tons more adventures with our little party of four! Pin It Now!

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