Mar 27, 2013

Late to the Party

What does one do when work is busy and blog ideas are short?
Join a linkup that happened yesterday, of course.

1. If calories didn't count, I would eat... Buffalo Wild Wings for breakfast, a pizza buffet for lunch, and Mexican for dinner. All day, errrrday. Oh and I'd probably wash it all down with chocolate milkshakes.

2.  On my Prom night.... I broke up with my then boyfriend because he didn't want to go downtown with a big group of us after prom. Sorry 'bout that one. Every party has a pooper.

3. When I go to the store, I always buy... peanut butter. I swear we go through more in our house than normal people.

4.  Family functions typically... involve lots of laughter. Lame, I know, but there's not a lot of drama in my family. :) But there are lots of VERY LOUD people. Myself included.

5.  I think my blog readers... should all move to Memphis so that we can hang out more. Well actually, I think you should just all move to my neighborhood so I don't live with all retired old folks.

6.  I'd much rather be..... at home with FH right now instead of at work. I swear I haven't seen him much lately because we have been busy and that drives me nuts.

7. I have an obsession with.... getting a bun in my oven.

8. My work friends.... are few and far between. There are 2 or 3 that I super love, other than that, I don't talk to many people. I am definately not popular at work, I come here to make a paycheck, that's about it. But I super love the friends that I do have here!!

9. When I created my Facebook account.... I thought it was super lame compared to MySpace. I mean, you didn't even get a song on your profile.

10. My least favorite word is... ain't. Cause ain't ain't a word, y'all.

11.  I really don't remember.... the last time that I felt skinny. Gross, I know, but it's a daily battle.

12. Justin Bieber.... actually has some decent music. But man, I bet he is SUCH A LITTLE PUNK IRL.

I'm gonna leave you with an original poem written by Kate.
The girls have to write like 10 poems for school and I love this assignment. It's hard for me to help them though cause I just want to write it for them. I see blogging in their future.

This poem was a color poem and she had to follow certain guidelines, I think she did well.

Red by Kate

Red is the color of roses.
Red is the pepperonis on my pizza.
Red is the color of my energy.
Red is a big bonfire in my backyard.
Red smells like a garden of roses.
Red tastes like strawberries.
Red sounds like fireworks.
Red looks like a ladybug.
Red feels like a hot sunny day.
Red makes me want to cheer for the rebels.
Red is the sign of stopping.

It took a lot for me not to tell her to add that Red is the name of Taylor Swift's new CD.......

Happy Wednesday Y'all!!

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  1. hey whatever do whatcha wanna- late or not. I love this idea! and i would much rather be at home right now too. ugh work.

  2. We have 6 jars of PB in the pantry right now.

    I say AINT ALL the damn time. Get over it. You love me anyway.

    I also remember wanting a song on my FB glad now that we dont.

    I am in love with Kate's poem. Too cute!

  3. Ummmm how about we get together and eat all of those things in once day...sounds like the most PERFECT day ever. Then we'd have to run like 48 miles straight. Whatevs.

    Love this.

  4. I just did the linkup today too so no worries.

    And Ain't is now recognized as a word. It was introduced into the Mariam-Webster dictionary a few years ago. I'm from Texas so ain't and y'all are used daily here.

  5. Can I please be your day date for your if calories didn't count answer? Yum!

    haha I forgot about the song on myspace and you got to pick your background color and top friends! oh the days!

  6. Super cute poem. We worked on the ABC one the other night. Definitely interesting, lol. I remember doing the big poem project in school and it seemed to take forever, lol.

  7. What a cute poem!! I love your no calorie menu too!

  8. We should ditch fb and go back to myspace. LOL!Love the poem!

  9. That poem is awesome :) And you have totally made me miss myspace now! Damn FB and it's no music self.

  10. Oh girlie, I better have made that list of three! :)

    Amen to #1 & #7!

  11. We go through a jar of peanut butter a week. Is that not normal?

  12. loud people unite! whatd you eat a BWW I was jealous
