Mar 21, 2013

Bipolar Fitness

I'm bipolar.
But not in real life like Janelle from TM2,
but more like in my fitness/diet life.

One week, I'm freaking Jillian Michael's chubby twin sister.
I'm obsessed.
I work out in the morning.
I work out in the evening.
I don't touch junk food.
I chug water like a college girl with beer in a frat house.

And then something happens.

I decide I shouldn't be so obsessed.
I stop tracking calories.
I'm tempted by junk food.
I realize that I have a husband who loves me just the way I am.
I realize that I shouldn't be obsessing when I'm trying to get knocked up anyways, I'm just gonna have to do it all over again after a baby.
I think that I should just enjoy life.
I sneak Taco Bell and throw away the evidence.
I read a book and nap instead of working out.

And then something happens.

I miss working out.
I really do love it.
I miss waking up just to jump on the scale and be excited about losing.
I miss getting high fives from FH because I killed it at the gym.
I miss posting pics of my calorie burn on IG.
So I get back into it and love it.

And then something happens.

It's a viscous cycle, I tell ya.
I feel like one day, ONE DAY, I have got to learn to be consistent.
One day I will have a good week, followed by another good week.
I will have will power

I know what to do.
I know how to do it.
I can do it.
So why aren't I??

I have been on an emotional rollercoaster this week.
And the rollercoaster ends on Monday with good or bad news.
Either way, I'll live.
I have to stop letting life get in the way of things.
I have to stop being lazy.
And dangit, I have to get off my butt.

Summer is just around the corner....this should be enough motivation.
I don't want to sweat it out in jeans all summer long.
I want to wear shorts.
And tank tops.
And swimsuits. Maternity swimsuits to be exact.

At least every single morning, I can start out fresh.
It doesn't matter what I did yesterday or will do tomorrow,
it only matters that I focus on today.

Hope everyone is having a great week.
I know I have been a little MIA lately, but I swear I'm alive and well.
You know, besides my bipolar tendencies.

Happy Thursday!

***Don't forget to link up with me tomorrow for Friday Favorites!*** Pin It Now!


  1. Girlfriend, that's you and me both. Since I've been pregnant, I've been SO LAZY and I miss working out so much, but at the same time, that junk food is so stinkin delicious.

    1) you'll get pregnant when you're supposed to, it took us over 2.5 years of trying!
    2) keep up the working out, don't quit, cause then when you are pregnant, you'll become a big cow like I'm becoming! :)

  2. Aww. I think we all have these times. And, even if you are trying to get pregnant, a workout isn't the worst thing for you to continue. I did all the way through my pregnancy with #2, and I managed to get it off MUCH faster than #1. Hope the week ends with GOOD news!

  3. I was wondering where you had been girl! I know all about the ups and downs and back and forth, and it sucks. You are preoccupied and that's understandable. Here's to hoping you find that happy medium so you can stop that crappy cycle.

  4. I'm the same way. And then sometimes I "celebrate" because I lost a pound by eating crap and gaining it back. Are you ttc now? I'm hoping (once my thyroid is under control lol) to lose 15 pounds by july and get off the birth control. I'm so ready!

  5. This is great lol. Only because I can relate on every single level. Some days I will drink only water and rarely eat, and other days I'm like a fat kid in a cupcake shop. It's a never ending cycle...

    I found you through Alyssa's blog! :)

  6. Me wants you to post errrrday.....mmmmkkkk?

    Don't beat yourself up. I know that is not exactly the best thing to hear but it's what I got. Enjoy the ride! every minute of it- the good and the bad.

  7. Ugh, it's so easy to slip into that cycle! I hear ya! I think the best thing you can do is just make incremental changes. It's really hard to make multiple lifestyle choices at once and then sustain them. So I don't know, maybe only pick one or two things a week to improve and set them as weekly goals? Like you can start with only home-cooked/packed meals and getting your water in, then phase in 3 workouts a week, then phase in tracking every day, then bump up to 5 workouts a week? Or something like that?

  8. Hope it's all good news Monday. Hope you get to feeling better and aren't so tired! You know what else Monday?? Teen Mom!!! Have you seen the pictures of Leah's new baby?

  9. The way you describe yourself is so funny. It is a going to be a constant battle that we're going to have to fight forever. You're right that every day is a clean slate. We just have to try to choose wisely more often than not. Jennifer keeps stressing the 80/20 plan. She read somewhere that your diet will be successful as long as you make those good decisions at least 80% of the time and give yourself a few indulgences only about 20% of the time. Congrats on the 500 followers!

  10. Yes, yes, yes!!! You know from my post the other day that I am right there with you. It is a vicious cycle, but thank goodness we get a new start to get it right everyday :)

  11. I totally need to stop letting life get in the way. When it does, it derails me for a month at a time. I can't be healthy and not exercise for a month at a time.

  12. I am the exact same way! I am either hot or cold with my fitness!

  13. I have been wondering where you were! Chin up buttercup and praying for good news Monday!

  14. I haven't worked out in almost 2 weeks thanks to my old lady illness and I think it's making me feel like crap! Jenelle from TM2 is bipolar?? I haven't noticed...hahahahahaha!

  15. This is so true! I am the same way.

  16. "You smokin the weed again jenelle? I saw you with Keiffahhh!"

  17. I can so relate to this. It's such a struggle. Why couldn't we have been born rich, skinny heiresses?

  18. Ugh I feel you on this! I also keep telling myself I will start Monday, and when Mnday rolls around I tell myself there is next week. It's a vicious cycle....

  19. I'm exactly the same way. WTF. I need a happy medium..

  20. Oh my gosh, girl, I am the same way! Good to know we're not alone. :)
