Sep 17, 2012

Weekend Update

Since a picture is worth 1,000 words and I don't have much time to blog today, here's our weekend in pictures!

First up, field day at the girls' school.

Next, volleyball practice Saturday morning.

Tailgating at the Memphis game Saturday afternoon. We had a blast and can't wait to do it again! And we have finally convinced the girls that going to a football game with us is actually fun.

They made friends with a police man.

had lots of bonding time with some girlfriends

were mesmerized at how long it took to grill hot dogs on a tiny grill.

showed that they are a tiny bit gangsta

and even watched a tiny bit of football

FH had fun too talking with his BFF. I'm hoping they aren't holding hands but in this pic it kind of looks like they are.....

Sunday, we did a whole bunch of nothing.
grocery shopping, cooking, cleaning, grass cutting by FH while I napped, Big Brother watching.

Oh yeah, and FH brought me home this movie, which goes to show that he is SO CLOSE to jumping on the baby wagon.

and he grilled out some AMAZING pork chops too.

It was a great weekend, I just hate it's over. I am going to be super busy at work this week and this coming weekend so I'm glad we had such a relaxing time.

And now, I will leave you with a K&A video. One child is singing and the other child is pouting. You know, because they both want to hog the camera. That's just how they roll.
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  1. looks like you had such a fun weekend with your girls! :)

    hapyp monday!

  2. I´m your new follower via GFC!
    Check out my blog sometime and follow back if you like!

    Hugs from Germany!

  3. Hi! I'm your newest follower from the GFC blog hop :)
