May 19, 2015

Tummy Tuesday #3

Last week, I got an email that said, "Where's Tummy Tuesday? It's Wednesday."

Honestly, I'm trying to let this pregnancy fly by without thinking too much about it.
I need people to not make a big deal about it.
Because no matter what, until I have a fat baby in my arms, I still can't imagine actually coming
home with a baby.
Maybe that sounds awful, but I'm a realist.
And I know that my chances of getting sick early on again are pretty high.
It just seems to help when I don't count the days.....
So you just might get a Tummy Tuesday post every other Tuesday.
We shall see. :)

Moving on.....

How far along? 15 weeks

Sleep? Meh. It could always be worse. I find myself laying in bed often, unable to get comfortable.
Obviously I know this is only the beginning. But I can say that I am finally starting to get some of my
energy I can't say that I have tons of energy or anything, but it's better than it has been.

Maternity Clothes? I'm gonna have to venture out and buy some new shirts soon. I wasn't planning on buying anymore maternity clothes since I have a lot, but most of my maternity shirts shrunk a little
because, well, because I like to shrink things.

Best moment this week? Last day of school is this Friday!!!! I'm so excited about that.

Miss anything? Just working out. I think I should stop putting this question down because my answer never changes....

Movement? Not yet, but I'm super excited about this hopefully happening soon.

Size of the baby? a navel orange, about 2.5 ounces

Food cravings? Fruits and vegeatbles, which is so weird to me. and still chocolate milk daily.

Morning sickness? None lately. Yay!!

Gender? Still Team Green!

Bed Rest? Nope. But this is one of my major fears. Unless they can wheel me to work in my bed, I will have problems figuring this out if it happens. Praying that it doesn't. :)

Limitations? Nothing out of the norm. I can't do rollercoasters or a ropes course, which are both possibly on the agenda for this weekend.....which stinks. But as Kate said "You can just hold our stuff for us." Gee, thanks.

Pregnancy Symptoms? Can't complain. All in all, I've been feeling pretty great.

Wedding Rings? Still on.

Looking forward to? the last day of school!!!

Happy Tummy Tuesday. See ya next time.
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1 comment:

  1. Praying for you! And I hope I didn't open a can of worms on Instagram about the blog :)
