Feb 23, 2014

One Week

It's one AM and I can't sleep.
And I start back to work tomorrow morning.
That presents a problem.
It's one of those nights where you lay in bed and run over and over and over things.
Or if you are like me, you start writing a blog post in your head and don't want to forget it.

It's been exactly one week since Harper went to heaven.
One long, long week.

What a difference a week makes.

That was the subject of his eulogy.
What a difference a day makes.
And let me just tell you, it was perfect.

My cousin Brodie did his eulogy.
My cousin who has never done a funeral before.
And he did perfect.
I even heard that one person's reaction was "wherever that guy preaches, I want to go"
And he lost a son himself not too long ago.

Is there anyone left out there that still thinks that God doesn't have this life planned out perfectly?
How obvious is it that God planned this out exactly, preparing him for Harper's eulogy?
And he reads my blog, and quoted some of it while he was speaking.
So in a way, I wrote part of my son's eulogy.
That is the most amazing feeling ever, that he used my words and that others heard/read them.

I haven't always been so vocal about my faith.
Most people don't know that I have an amazing relationship with God.
In fact, I'm sure even my husband, who knows every single thing there is to know about me, didn't know the extent of it before.

God is my best friend.
And while others might see the death of their child as something to get angry about. Saying
"Why me God, why me?"
I've seen my son being taken away from me for reasons that only God can know.
He has lead me to say "Use me God, use me. Use me to teach others, to show them that we can handle anything with you beside us."

So many people have told me that I've been so strong throughout this.
Don't think I haven't been horribly sad. I have been.
Don't think that I don't have moments where I can't even complete a task because I can no longer see because of tears rolling down my face.
But please do think that I am taking this opportunity and trying my best to find the good in it.
To God be the glory. And let me just tell you, my sweet baby boy is bringing glory to God right now.

What a difference a week makes.

Four weeks ago, I left work on maternity leave.
My second maternity leave.
The first one was spent recovering from a C-section and visiting my son in the NICU.
Praying he would live.
My second one was something I waited and waited and waited on.
Something I felt like would never get here.
And then I finally walked out of those doors of work, almost in tears because my baby boy was coming home.

Tomorrow, I will walk back in those doors. Probably with more tears. But tears because my
baby boy finally did make it to his forever home.

I'll miss him. I know it gets easier as time goes by.
I know at some point I will have to clean out his room instead of just keeping the doors closed.
But he is always at the back of my mind. Always.

Don't worry. I don't plan on turning my blog into a preaching sermon every time I write.
I don't plan on being that friend that never shuts up.
But I do plan to be more open about my faith.
If this is the way God wants to use me, because he knows that I am an over-sharer and that I like to blast everything on social media. If that's why he chose me to take care of his sweet angel on earth for almost 5 months, then I'm gonna do it when I feel like I should.

Other than that, it will be business as usual around here.
I'm sure my life will get back to boring sooner than later. :)

Thank you for reading our story, for following along.
And don't forget to kiss your sweet babies at least one million times a day.
That's how often I kissed BH. No doubt, in the back of my mind, God was urging me to do so because time was limited.

Now, let's see about some sleep...... Pin It Now!


  1. Wow! I thought your last post about Hshowed Grace, but this one shows even more. I'm so sorry you are going through all of this, but I have to believe along with you that God is definitely using you AND so many others that He prepared for it, like your cousin. It's not always easy or kind, but He knows the ending of all chapters and the ending of our books. There is a reason and through it all, He'll never leave your side. Thank you for continuing to share your story. I am a believer as well, and each time I read your graceful words, my faith feels stronger than it did in the moments before. Imagine how you are working in those with no belief or very little. Blessing to you, each and every day!!!

  2. Lora you are a beautiful writer. You and Harper are working wonders. God is using you to touch so many people. Your story, your life, your son have inspired me. I have been struggling with my fsith and my relationship with God for many years. Between my revelation of my heart condition & you sharing Harper's story, I have found my way back to God. You encourage me to share my faith. I have been happier, lighter. You have taught me to really focus on the little things and not take one single second for granted. You and Harper are an inspiration. You are truly an amazing person.

  3. Don't stop writing. Don't stop sharing your story. Your story is incredible. God has used it. And God will continue to use it to impact people around the world. I love that you and Harper are impacting people that you'll never meet on this earth, but will one day meet in heaven, and they will no doubt say, "Thank you for your story." We love you bunches! So proud of you. bro

  4. Sorry. I just realized I typed that from Amanda's account. My bad. bro

  5. Lora you are such an awesome person! I'll be thinking of you today while you are back at work. I was telling a friend about your story and was in tears as I was telling her. While we may not know each other personally, I feel like we have all been with you through this whole journey! I'll continue to keep your family in my prayers.

  6. I wasn't always aware of the extent of your faith but knew it whole heartedly existed and after witnessing you through this. There was no question. Simply amazing is what you are. Keep writing and sharing, you are wonderful at it.

  7. I don't know you, but I've known Brodie and his family for 30+ years. I am SO sorry to read about your child, but having buried a son several years ago myself, I too can attest how FAITHFUL GOD IS throughout each and every moment of our lives! He will carry you through the times when your next step is very difficult. Always keep your eyes on HIM and HE will ALWAYS guide you!

  8. Hi Lora, we've never met but my husband and I are old friends of Michael's. I want you to know that you are all in our thoughts and prayers. I truly believe that in times of despair a critical decision can be made to either trust the Lord or to walk away from him. I have found, in my own life, that trusting him has been my saving grace. Harper is a beautiful baby and we are all better for having known his story.

  9. My son would have been 3 in May and I am just now seeing God's plan for me. I was angry and so sad for so long and just couldn't understand it. If you need to talk about anything please email me! You are extremely strong and have been through so much in the last 5 months! This blogging community is amazing and it's so great you have so much support!!

  10. Lora, you are beautiful and inspiring. I lost my mom at a young age, and that damaged my relationship with God. I find myself still angry, 16 years later. I am not sure that I will ever find my way back, but you give me hope. I am amazed by your faith and your strength and I do believe it was in his plan for you and baby Harper to touch people. Thank you for moving me and giving me a little extra faith of my own.

  11. Thank you for sharing your story... your faith is beautiful, inspiring and something I wish I could bottle up and share with my family. On Valentines Day my cousin's family lost both of their daughters (2 and 4) in a car/train wreck. He and his wife are also facing some of the darkest days of their lives. Unfortunately I worry they don't have the faith they are going to need to make it through this awful time. Honestly... at times I don't think I will have the faith needed to make it through.
    I'm so sorry for your loss.

  12. The most comforting thing for me (ha, as if "I" am the one who needs comforting during YOUR unimaginable loss) throughout this week of mourning with and for you from miles and miles away...has been the fact that you haven't had to say, "I wish I had kissed him more. I wish had said I love you more. I wish I had taken more pictures." From the moment that little guy entered the world it was obvious how much you loved and adored him, and he you. It has been so apparent that you cherished every single moment you had with him and did not take his short time here for granted. I love that. I love that because I know it must give you an amazing sense of peace. And back to me being selfish, it has given me an amazing sense of peace. So often when our friends (whether we know them in real life or not) are hurting, we want to be angry with them/for them. I wanted to be angry for you when I heard the news. But it has been impossible to feel any anger, as you have been so strong and at peace, trusting God's decision to take Harper to his forever home. I still hurt for you, and I can't imagine what it must be like to have those moments when you see his belongings or a picture or have a simple thought of him and just break down. Your loss, however, has been a lesson for me. A lesson to love on my boys longer and harder. And once this baby girl arrives, I plan to follow in your footsteps and cherish every single moment with her. If anything should ever happen to any of my babies, I want to know and I want them to know that I loved them as much as I possibly could, just the way you loved Harper (and as much as I know you love K&A). Thank you for being an inspiration during your darkest hours. You my friend, are one of a kind.

  13. First time to your blog (coming here via Holly's blog) and what a post to read! Your faith and your willingness to "put it out there" is awesome and inspiring. Prayers said for your family as you continue to move through this process.

  14. Lora, I've been following you on instagram since BH was born. Been praying for your sweet family everyday. I just want to say that your faith is so amazing. I'm a believer myself and I look up to your strong willingness to see the good. My boys were NICU babies as well, that NICU experience changed my life, and I've never taken a second with my babies for granted. When they were in the NICU I choose to see the good, the positive, the small successes everyday, because if you focus on the hurt and the sadness it can lead down a dark path. Our Lord is amazing and I know He is holding you and your family so close right now. You, your family and Baby Harper have touched the lives of so many people...so many people are wanting to know where your strength comes from, and in your blog posts your are glowing with the love for the Lord. This is bringing new lives to Him. Sending love and prayers!

  15. Continuing to pray for you all, just know that Harper's life touched mine and so many others as well!

  16. Thinking about you, girl! Wish we were closer so I could give you a big face to face hug every now and then. And so proud of you for trying to see this phase of life as if it is something God can use. I truly can't imagine how hard it is to go through this. But I guess it's proof that God knew just what he was doing. What a special gift both you and Harper are.
