Apr 10, 2013

I Got 99 Problems...

These girls, right here:

are the Queens of One Liners.

Some of the things they say, I have no idea where they get them from.

Monday night was their first softball game in the big league.
And Alex was scared.

You see, Alex kinda like her Mom thinks/knows she is good at everything. So she expects everything to come natural to her.

Unfortunately, softball is Kate's jam.
Alex is good too, she's just not as into it as Kate.

Alex was NERVOUS about batting against a little girl pitching {as opposed to a coach pitching like she is use to}.
And I can't say that I blame her.
She didn't even get a chance to bat off one during practice.

She gets up to bat.
And swings at the first three pitches.

Poor thing.
Her head dropped and she walked back to the dugout.
It didn't help any that her sister did really well.

But that's the way life goes sometimes.
She can't be good at everything the first time she tries.
I'm sad that she struck out, but I also appreciate the dose of reality that she got.
Now she knows she has to try harder next time.

She wouldn't talk at all after the game.
FH and I both tried to get her to smile and it wasn't happening.

Then we got into the car, and she randomly said from the backseat:
"I got 99 problems and softball is one of them."

I died.
And she finally laughed.

Life isn't all about hitting the ball, it's more about how you react when you don't. And if she can bust out a one liner like that after a strike out, I'm pretty proud.

Happy Hump Day Friends!!! Pin It Now!


  1. i loved THIS story! You are so right, it's about what you do after you don't hit the ball. I'm gonna think about that one all day today. Thanks lady!

  2. This is a great story, and a great attitude to have :)

  3. OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG THIS IS THE CUTEST STORY EVER!!!! I swear I don't know where kids come up with half the things they say!!!! My heart literally hurt for her poor girl! But you are right it's real life and we have to be taught lessons in everything we do! xoxo

  4. Love it! Our kids can say the funniest things.

  5. She's so funny. Way to turn a frown upside down.

  6. Haha well at least she didn't say bitch! Love that she could laugh about it!

  7. My goodness! I love that! 99 problems!! They see mom has a great disposition and how positive you are. You set an example for them!

  8. When you posted that the other night on FB I died! Such a great line :) And good for her for finding humor and good out of something that sucked!

  9. What an awesome little ladies you have!!! Great story!

  10. Crack me up! I am glad that she wasn't too down on herself! Your girls are so stinking cute!

  11. Kids say some of the greatest things sometimes! Always love to hear one liners that my nephew & niece come up with!
    Love that line! hahaha!

  12. That's funny stuff. Kids are too much.

  13. Ok I didnt have time to comment but read this last night, so when i just came back to it, i HAD to reread it. Like I told Janessa come play a tourney out here!!! I want to see these hilarious girls!!!!!

  14. Hahaha! I got 99 problems and I just wish that softball was one! Lol!
