Jun 18, 2015


The girls spent the last week with my Dad and Stepmom in the mountains.
They had a blast riding horses and four wheelers, swimming in the creek,
and discovering their inner country girl.


**bad picture quality due to the fact that I had to screen shot some of the pics from fb**

They even got to visit the new Bass Pro on their ride back into town.

And when they got home, they found out that we got a pool!!!
A perfect pool for this pregnant lady to lay in and relax. :)

And they were able to enjoy it too....until the rain came.
That water was COLD!

New haircuts before they leave for camp next week.

And an underwater shot, just for fun. :)
When I grow up, I hope I can have a summer just like them!!

1 comment:

  1. Seriously... they have the most fun!! What great memories these girls will have!
