Apr 21, 2015

Tummy Tuesday #1

I haven't been that anxious to document Tummy Tuesday yet this time....
mainly because I was shocked at what my belly has already become.
But then when I looked back at my TT posts from Harper,
I was just as huge then.....so today is the day.
How far along? 11 weeks
Yes, I'm really that big already. At least I'm consistent with last time though.
Sleep? Yes, I'm exhausted so I sleep often. Unfortunately, our family is A LOT busier this go around than we were the last time I was pregant, so I just sleep when I can....including my lunch break nap in my car. The good news is that we have been so busy with track and softball that time is actually flying by!
Maternity clothes? I'm already in my maternity pants...at first I was trying to avoid it, but then I realized that I already had them and they are comfty, so why not?!
Best moment this week? We had a 9 hour track meet this past Saturday, so I would say my best moment was actually getting home after that! Also, being strong enough to tell the nurse that I didn't want to know the gender, even though they officially know now!!
Miss anything? Running. For sure.
Movement? None that I can feel yet, but according to the 4 (yes, I really have had 4 already!!) ultrasounds, this little baby is a mover and a shaker!
Size of the baby? a lime. 0.25 ounces
Food cravings? None in particular. Although when I do crave something, it needs to happen immediatly.
Morning sickness? Not really....not enough to complain about. I feel nauseous kinda often, but no real problems.
Gender? I feel like it's a girl....but I'm not sure if I just think this because we have TONS of boy stuff and so I'm assuming that won't work out. Or if it's because I want a girl....I can't be sure. But either way, we aren't finding out anytime soon! And NO ONE is happy about this decision. I had no idea so many people would be annoyed with us for waiting....
Bed rest? Nope.
Limitations? None really to compain of....I can't really exercise, but I don't plan on doing that the entire pregnancy. I'd love to be a woman that could, but my focus is on growing this baby right now and nothing else.
Pregnancy Symptoms? My back kills me....and after looking at my last TT post #1, it looks like this is pretty consistent!
Wedding Rings? Still on.
Looking forward to? I'm just trying to enjoy every single minute of this pregnancy. I don't know if I will be more successful this time than I was last time, but I do know that I'm going to spend every second enjoying the miracle that is growing inside of me. :)
And just for fun, here's a comparison shot between Harper's 11 week bump pic and #4's bump pic.
A few people have said I look smaller now, I'm not sure, but I'll take it!
(this time in the striped top, last time in the tshirt)
Happy Tummy Tuesday!


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Apr 6, 2015

We are having a Baby!!

Yep, it's true.
Our family is growing again.
And we couldn't be more excited!!
My un-official due date is November 6.
What you may not know is that I had a vertical c-section with Harper.
I'm sure there is a technical term for this.....
This is done with an emergency c-section often.
And it means that I had to wait an entire year before even thinking about getting pregnant again.
It also means that I can't have contractions.
Or rather, I shouldn't.
So, they induce early to prevent this.
All this being said, I'm praying for a late October baby.
We all know that I'm not good at being pregnant.
I've had 3 preemies.
1 of which was a micropreemie.
For lack of a better way of putting it, I suck at being pregnant.
That's all there is to it.
I'm pretty sure FH really wants to put me in a box until October.
I'm praying for a nice, long pregnancy.
And the fattest baby you have ever seen.
Oh, and just so you know, I already have a blood pressure machine at home
and ready to use, I have an appointment with the high risk doctor,
and we have big plans of making sure that I don't overdo it.
I'm only 9 weeks.
I know most people wait until 12 weeks to announce.
But I decided to annouce early for 2 reasons.
1. I gain weight super fast. And it's so frustrating trying to hide it.
and 2. to me, a baby is a baby, no matter how small.
There's a heartbeat. This is a baby.
So even though I haven't reached the second trimester, where
chances of a miscarriage go down, our family is ready for everyone to know.
Please keep our family in your prayers.
We are both extrememly excited and extrememly nervous.
Happy Easter everyone! :)
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